List of Courses
* All credit hours are based on the current term, this may vary for previous terms.
SOW420 - Social Work Practicum 1& 2 |
(6 credit hours) |
Through this course students are placed in a human service agency to practice professional social work under educational and clinical supervision. Students compile a portfolio of documentation of their evaluation of their application of basic generalist social work skills in a practice setting. In addition to completing a minimum of 400 clock hours of fieldwork practice and a portfolio, students participate in an integrative capstone seminar to compare and contrast student fieldwork learning and to build a culture of professional social work.
Prerequisite: |
- SOW400 or SWK360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK200 - Introduction to Social Welfare |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW300
This course is an introduction to the philosophy, purposes, history, values, sanctions, and organization of social welfare human service programs across different world cultures. Social welfare policy and practice in eastern and Arab countries are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on social welfare needs and services in the U.A.E.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK210 - Humanitarian SWK |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW310
This course introduces students to the practice of humanitarian social work within the world, region, and UAE. The history of the social work profession, its philosophies, values, and practice models are explored and reviewed using a humanitarian approach to social problems and crisis. Islamic principles of social solidarity, cooperation and mutual aid are presented.
Prerequisite: |
- SOW300 or SWK200
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK220 - Social Policy&Services |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW341
This course provides a theoretical model for analysis and evaluation of social welfare policies and the human service programs from which they evolve. Students complete a study of various social welfare policies and the organizations affecting populations and communities in the UAE. Students also learn how to develop proposals for social policies and services that currently are not met through existing human service programs.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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SWK230 - Human Behavior in Social Env. |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW340
This course covers the development phases of the life span. Biological, psychological, sociological or cultural, and environmental (community, economy, and political), factors influencing human behavior are studied. Emphasis is placed on theories that provide a knowledge base for generalist social work practice.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK240 - Social Work Research Methods |
(4 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW362
This course prepares students to understand and apply research methods and statistical analyses common to social work research. Students formulate research questions, designs, and review research findings. Survey research, field (naturalistic and case study) research, single-subject designs, and correlation methods are applied through case study.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK250 - Social Work Practice:Indi. |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW320
This course provides an overview of generalist social work as a method and process covering fundamental concepts of practice informed research/research informed practice, social work values, ethics, principles, and skills. Problem Solving Model is presented as a frame work used by social workers to assist individuals and children to achieve personal and social change.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK200
- SWK210
Corequisite: |
SWK251 |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK251 - Social Work Practice:Skills |
(1 credit hours) |
This experiential skills lab provides students with the opportunity to develop their multicultural generalist practice skills (Interviewing, Assessment, Planning, Interventions, &Evaluation) with Individuals and children. Students learn to apply theory and skills through role play, field visits, and guest lecturers.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK200
- SWK210
Corequisite: |
SWK250 |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK320 - Social Policy Research |
(3 credit hours) |
This course is designed to augment course materials presented in SWK 240. It provides opportunities for students to comprehend the importance of practice informed research and research informed practice using a social policy analysis approach.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK240
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK350 - Social Work Practice2:Fam. |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW330
This course uses the critical perspective and practice informed research/research inform practice approach to augment content presented in Social Work Practice I and continues to build on the multicultural generalist practice perspective with families and groups. Mutual Aid Group Work Model is presented for use with the diverse multicultural populations of UAE, the GCC and the international community.
Prerequisite: |
- (SWK250 + SWK251) or (SOW320)
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK351 - Social Work Practice2:Skills |
(1 credit hours) |
This bilingual English/Arabic experiential skills lab provides students with opportunities to apply classroom knowledge values and ethical principles to actual practice case scenarios with diverse multicultural families and groups of the UAE, the GCC and the global community.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK250
- SWK251
Corequisite: |
SWK350 |
Semester: |
Spring |
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SWK355 - Social Work Leadership |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW342
This course examines the professional social work leadership and supervisory role in social service agency settings. Students are introduced to system and environmental influences, leadership roles, the use of oral and written communication, organization behavior, team development, organization design, evaluation, productivity, supervision, and performance evaluation.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK360 - Social Work Practice3 |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW406
This course is designed to provide experiential learning opportunities for students to apply their knowledge, values and skills in working with communities and organizations. This course emphasizes the use of the critical perspective in the comprehension and application of the multicultural general practice model and how it applies to macro level social work.
Prerequisite: |
- (SWK350 + SWK351) or (SOW330)
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK361 - Social Work Practice3:skills |
(1 credit hours) |
This bilingual English/Arabic experiential skills lab provides students with opportunities to apply classroom knowledge values, skills, and ethical principles to actual practice case scenarios with diverse multicultural families and groups of the UAE, the GCC and the global community.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK350
- SWK351
Corequisite: |
SWK360 |
Semester: |
Fall |
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SWK365 - Social Work&Hum. Relief |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW352
Students are provided with the social work knowledge, values, ethical principles, and skills necessary for social work practice in manmade or natural disaster situations. Crisis interventions, Relief work, rapid response, and social work on multidisciplinary response teams is presented.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK375 - Social Work &Mental Health |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW421
This course is designed to augment practice skills in mental and health care settings. A case management approach is used to provide services to people experiencing mental health problems that maybe associated with physical illness. It provides students with hands on experience in applying culturally competent mental health services within a Muslim/Arabic perspective.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK210 or SOW310
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK376 - Social Work& Popu.Special |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW436
Dealing with various populations that have special needs such as children with mental retardation, learning disabilities, physically challenged individuals, hearing and visual impairment and the elderly. It discusses the nature of the needs of each of these categories, social work assessments, interventions, and the appropriate social welfare services that can be extended to them and to older people.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK210
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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SWK380 - Social Work & Islam |
(3 credit hours) |
Examination of the principles of social work with Muslims is presented using the Islamic principles of social solidarity, cooperation and mutual aid. Students are encouraged to use self-reflection and grounded theory to formulate their professional practice with diverse Muslim populations of the UAE, the Middle East, and global communities.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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SWK385 - Social Work&Substance |
(3 credit hours) |
This course expores the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of addiction, interventions and the impact of substance abuse on the individual, the family, and the community. National and international drug policies are presented for discussion.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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SWK465 - Social Work Practicum1 |
(4 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW420
This is the first of two required field practicum experiences. The student is required to work 4 days per week in a field agency. Students are engaged in supervised, direct service activities that provide practice experience in the application of the theory, values, ethical principles and skills acquired in the foundation areas.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK360
- SWK361
Corequisite: |
SWK466 |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK466 - Field Seminar |
(3 credit hours) |
Old code/no. :SOW410
Further integration of knowledge and values in a supportive yet evaluative agency setting is a primary focus in this course. Major emphasis is placed on the enhancement of self-awareness and an appreciation of human diversity in the practice setting.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK360
- SWK361
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK470 - Field Practicum2 |
(4 credit hours) |
Students continue their field practicum experience four days per week in a field agency. They are expected to demonstrate professional social work behaviors in all aspects of their practicum. A field journal is required and data gathered will be used to develop a case study for presentation in HSR 400 Capstone Seminar, a college requirement.
Prerequisite: |
- SWK465
- SWK466
Corequisite: |
HSR400 |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK499 - Special Topics In Social Work |
(3 credit hours) |
This special topics course introduces new course material to augment the curriculum and provides students with specialized courses of interest to the community as well as increasing awareness of current issues and the latest trends in Social Work.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SWK500 - Soc. Wel. Pol.&Ser.AWorldview |
(3 credit hours) |
This course introduces students to the issues and problems associated with social welfare interventions. .The context and process of policy development will be presented in a global and Regional level with a focus on the welfare state in the UAE. Students are expected to learn and exercise skills in analyzing social policies, planning and designing interventions within an area of specialization.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK510 - Hum. Beh.& Soc. Environments I |
(3 credit hours) |
Overview of ecological systems theory used in the social work profession for clinical and policy-oriented assessments of human functioning and needs during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Emphasis is on the reciprocal relationships between human behavior and the social environment as they impact on national and expatriate populations of the UAE.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK511 - Hum.Beha.&Soc. Envi.2 |
(3 credit hours) |
Overview of ecological model used in the social work profession for clinical and policy oriented assessments of human functioning and needs from young adulthood through old age. Emphasis is on the reciprocal relationships between human behavior and the social environment.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK520 - Res. Meth. For S.W.Pract. |
(3 credit hours) |
The focus is on single subject research methods for use in applied clinical and evaluative research with diverse populations of the UAE and GCC. The course covers specification and measurement of various practice and social science concepts, such as sampling methods, data collection strategies, and statistical and graphical approaches to data analysis. The IFSW code of ethics will be used to promote confidentiality, full and informed consent, and hold harmless (do no harm) ethical issues in research.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK534 - Integrative Seminar(1hour) |
(1 credit hours) |
This seminar focuses on the integration of the knowledge, value, and learning experiences of the total MSW program. It prepares and provides the framework for the student's completion of a major competency paper inclusive of content from all social work courses, and centering on the UAE and a specific population group in a family context. Students have the opportunity to dialogue on professional issues through topical discussions, and examination of students' research activities.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK540 - SW.Pra. with Indiv. & Fami. |
(3 credit hours) |
In this foundation course Students have opportunities to further develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing theories for social work practice with the diverse Arab Muslim and Expatiate populations of the UAE. The problem solving process is applied to practice with families across the life span. Students will use critical thinking and self-reflection skills to critique issues of diversity, professional ethics, practice competency, and societal/practice values for use with the Arab Muslim and expatriate populations of the UAE and GCC
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK541 - SW Practice with Groups |
(3 credit hours) |
A seminar format provides the venue for the integration and application of group work theories with the Arab Muslim and Expatriate Populations of the UAE. The focus will be on using Islamic principles of cooperation and social solidarity within the Mutual Aid Group Work format.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK542 - Soc. work Prac.comm. & Oragan. |
(3 credit hours) |
Social development in the UAE requires the social worker to take on the roles of leader, advocate and educator. Within an area of specialization students will research, plan, apply and evaluate their intervention strategies to educate the society and advocate for social change and social development as per UAE Social Development Plan.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK590 - Field Practicum(400hours) |
(8 credit hours) |
The goal is to further the application of advanced social work skills from the generalist perspective. The foundation practicum comprises 400 hours of supervised social work practice and is completed based on collaborations among the Field Coordinator, faculty liaison, the student and agency. The practicum provides Students with opportunities to incorporate further develop their competencies within a structured practice environment. A grade of 3.0 or better is required.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK640 - Mod.&Meth. of SW Practice |
(3 credit hours) |
Further deepens students’ knowledge and skills essential for social work practice, including individual, family, group, community, and organizational interventions. Focus on cultural responsiveness, commitment to professional competence and ethics, professional development, social and economic justice, and client empowerment.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK642 - Leadership & Supervision |
(3 credit hours) |
This course examines the organizational context of social work practice. Focus will be organizational development and leadership roles at all levels in the organizational hierarchy. Issues of program evaluation, administrative functions, supervision and organizational change will be addressed. Topics will be adapted to the specific needs of students within the context of their areas of interest in work with specific organizations that serve vulnerable populations in the UAE and GCC.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK645 - Inter. SW. Research |
(3 credit hours) |
Evaluation, appraisal, and application of the concepts, design, and process of applied research in social work, focusing on foundation skills in conducting empirical research within the context of theory, literature review, research design and measurement, research ethics, and professional practice.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK671 - SW. Prac. with at Risk Popu. |
(3 credit hours) |
This course provides students with the skills and techniques for providing cognitive therapy to adults, adolescents, and children. The course begins with grounding in the cognitive therapy diagnostic assessment process. Students will be instructed how to use the various cognitive therapies psychological testing scales. Emphasis is then placed on learning to use the cognitive therapy model to treat emotional and personality disorders. Students will be taught how to apply cognitive therapy techniques in both psychotherapy practices as well as in other social work settings such as child welfare, foster care, case management, aging, and hospital social work.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK680 - SW in cri.Justice Settings |
(3 credit hours) |
Social workers have increasing opportunities to practice in forensic settings. Recognizing the growing trend toward "community justice" which includes policing, prosecution, defense, courts, and sentencing in the UAE; this course seeks to assist students to develop knowledge and skills for practice in these arenas. Forensic social work practice requires the ethical, knowledge, and skill capacity to balance the mutual and conflicting interests of client and community.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK681 - Social Work & Addictions |
(3 credit hours) |
The objectives of this course are to present theories and methods in the diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse disorders focusing on the role of social workers in the prevention/intervention of substance abusers and their families. Emphases on dual diagnoses, prenatal drug/alcohol exposure, and challenges for special group.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK682 - Tech. in Rehab. Counseling |
(3 credit hours) |
Techniques and procedures used in the assessment process in rehabilitation, including assessments related to identification of issues of addiction, vocational assessments and situational assessments. Addresses the phases and processes used in the treatment of addiction. Covers a range of perspectives on treatment including emotional, cognitive, legal, social, family and systemic interventions as well as relapse prevention.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK690 - SW. & Tradi. Help seeking Beh. |
(3 credit hours) |
This course provides students with an opportunity (1) to think through and emotionally experience the place of spirituality in medical social work practice; (2) to come to an understanding of the meaning and application of spirituality in each student's own social work practice, and (3) to explore the impact of religion and spirituality on traditional help seeking behaviors related to medical care. As social workers more and more encounter diverse belief systems, it is important that practitioners at all levels of practice have some understanding of how the adherence to different beliefs affects people's functioning in the UAE and global community.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK691 - SW. in beh.Health Settings |
(3 credit hours) |
Mental health policies as well as ethical and diversity issues in mental health are examined. Current best practices for specific disorders of adults, children, and adolescents, which may be exhibited across fields of practice, are presented. Special issues of unique contexts and client types are addressed. Emerging best practices of recovery in mental health is the focus, which fits well with the empowerment of mental health consumers and their families, and with strengths-based practice in the UAE.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK695 - Field practicum II (500 hours) |
(3 credit hours) |
This second of two required field practicum allows the student to further develop their expertise in social work practice skills with in their chosen area of concentration. They are expected to apply ethical principles and demonstrate the knowledge and values of a professional social worker. The requirement is successful completion (3.5 GPA) 500 hours of supervised practice
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SWK699 - Directed Readings |
(3 credit hours) |
Students will have the opportunity to improve their writing and comprehension skills in preparation for doctoral studies. Readings are intended to enhance the student’s knowledge and skills in their specialization. Prior approval must be obtained by submitting a proposal of number and titles of readings. Final paper is a position paper in their area of specialized practice.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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