List of Courses
* All credit hours are based on the current term, this may vary for previous terms.
FDSC200 - principles of food sci.&nutrit |
(3 credit hours) |
The objective of the course is to provide basic information of food composition and nutrition. The course includes structure and function of different nutrients, food spoilage and contamination, food processing techniques, and meal evaluation. Food groups and choice of nutritionally balanced meals and symptoms of deficiency and excess.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC250 - Contemporary Food Sci& Nutrit. |
(3 credit hours) |
The course introduces students to principles and issues in food sciences, nutrition, and health systems. The course helps student to understand the nature, properties, characteristics, quality and safety of foods, post-harvest handling of fresh foods, preparation and conversion of food commodities into high quality products. In addition, students will study food choices and its affects on personal health, nutritional needs, nutrients, and relationships between diet and disease.
Prerequisite: |
- ENGU1304 or ENGU1305
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC260 - Principles of Food Science |
(3 credit hours) |
This course is designed to orient newly admitted students to the Food Science discipline and the program at UAEU. The course introduces students to the multidisciplinary nature of Food Science and explains the three core competencies (food chemistry & analysis, food safety & microbiology, and food processing & engineering). The course provides an overview of the major Food Science topics and the other courses.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC309 - Sensory evaluation |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at providing students with the principles of sensory evaluation of foods and types of tests. The course includes panel training, product presentation, and statistical procedures for evaluation of sensory scores. The course includes use of case studies to illustrate sensory attributes of foods, consumer acceptability, and preference tests
Prerequisite: |
- ENGU1304 or ENGU1305
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC319 - Food packaging |
(3 credit hours) |
The course includes survey of packaging materials and packaging equipment used for foods. The role of packaging and protecting food, packaging materials and their properties, cost, process limitations, gas permeability of packaging films, package-product interactions, metal containers, coatings, seals, and aseptic packaging systems will be discussed
Prerequisite: |
- ENGU1304 or ENGU1305
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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FDSC331 - Fundamentals of food preparati |
(4 credit hours) |
The objective of this course is to introduce the basic principles of food preparation. Techniques applied to the preparation and preservation of food. The course includes introduction to laboratory policies and procedures, including sanitation and safety, the role of food in daily life throughout the life cycle, functional and sensory properties of foods and the role of additional ingredients on food quality.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC340 - Food Microbiology |
(3 credit hours) |
This course deals with the microorganisms important in food including bacteria, yeasts, molds, and viruses. The course handles principles of culturing, isolation, identification, enumeration, and growth and death curves of the microorganisms. Applications utilizing useful microorganisms to produce fermented food products are also discussed. The course teaches microbial contamination, food spoilage and preservation, and associated chemical changes. It also emphasizes on foodborne illnesses caused by microorganisms and their toxins.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC260
- BIOC230
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC345 - Reading of water manage.&eniro |
(1 credit hours) |
The course description includes directed reading and independent literature search on subjects related to water purification, reduction of water use, and waste water treatment, recycling in food processing, and reuse of waste water for non-food applications. The environmental impact of food processing waste discharge will be analyzed.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC347 - Food Process Engineering | |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at providing the student with a background on some engineering concepts that are applied to food processing units of measurement, thermodynamics, rheological properties, mass and heat transfer, basic principles of mechanics in agriculture and computer applications for agricultural projects.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC350 - Food chemistry |
(3 credit hours) |
The objective of this course is to study structural and functional properties of some important food and chemical compounds responsible for color, texture, flavor, sweetness and food additives with important food reactions and analytical techniques. Changes of food chemicals during post-harvest storage that may influence the quality of processed end products will be discussed.
Prerequisite: |
- CHEM283 or CHEM2831
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC351 - Food plant sanitation |
(3 credit hours) |
This course includes prevention of food contamination with microorganisms, effective clean-up procedures and use of appropriate anti-microbial sanitizing agents; using good manufacturing practices, plant maintenance, personal hygiene, sanitary food handling, and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) programs.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC340
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC352 - Food safety |
(3 credit hours) |
The objective of this course aims at introducing the student to the characteristics of some microbial groups that present positive and negative impacts in food, and some aspects on food fermentation and enzyme technology. The course includes risk management, principles of culturing, isolation, enumeration, identification, microbial toxins, and statistical correlations between levels of biological agents in foods and illness. Students will study principles and implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
Prerequisite: |
- CHEM238
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC355 - Food processing |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at providing students with different methods for food preservation and technology to improve chemical and physical properties of raw foods. It includes traditional basic food technology (drying, fermentation and pickling), thermal treatments (pasteurization, sterilization, canning, cooling, freezing, and dehydration), irradiation, microwave technology and examples of processing animal, and plant foods.
Prerequisite: |
- ENGU1304 or ENGU1305
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC357 - Technology of Muscle Foods |
(3 credit hours) |
This course introduces the students to the basic knowledge of animal foods (meat, poultry, and seafood) for studying their nature and changes that occur during processing. It introduces methods of preservation and processing and the hygienic condition during handling. It covers the reuse of secondary products and wastes of secondary products from slaughterhouses and fish processing plants. Pre-requisite:
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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FDSC363 - Fruit and Vegetable Technology |
(3 credit hours) |
The course includes raw fruits and vegetable handling, storage, and preparation towards commercial processing of fruits and vegetables into related products (juice, jams, puree, pickle, ketchup, etc.). The effect of raw material characteristics and processing (blanching, juice extraction, canning, concentration, drying, etc.) on the final product quality will be discussed.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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FDSC371 - Purification ofwater for |
(2 credit hours) |
This course includes topics on selection, sizing, and managing systems for purifying water to be used in food processing desalination, micro-filtration and reverse osmosis membrane systems. The segregation of food processing plant waste effluent and selection of recyclable process streams will be studied.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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FDSC378 - Cereal Technology |
(3 credit hours) |
This course provides students with the technology and chemistry of the principal cereals and kernel structure with respect to the technological characteristics and nutritive value. Processing of wheat, corn, sorghum, and rice; utilization of products and by-products; bread-making process, dough rheology and technology; breakfast cereals and protein-enriched cereal products.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC355
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC382 - Food customs &culture |
(3 credit hours) |
The course includes an introduction to a historical and cultural preservative of food, the role of religion in food acceptability and socioeconomic principles as applied to the world food supply. The contribution of foods from UAE and Middle East to the world, overview of food ways outside of the region and their contribution to the UAE and the rest of the world. The use of food and food ingredients in medicine and health beliefs.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC402 - Tich. ProblemsSolving in Food |
(3 credit hours) |
The course includes analysis of real life technical problems from the food industry in UAE and other countries. Students will benefit by applying their classroom knowledge to practical problems to promote creative thinking to solve problems. Teams of students will solve one major long term problem using laboratory and pilot plant facilities of the department, in addition to developing solutions to weekly short-term problems. The class serves also as a writing class by preparation and oral presentation of papers. Prerequisite: completing 90 credit hours.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC409 - Sensory evaluation |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at providing students with the principles of sensory evaluation of foods and types of tests. The course includes panel training, product presentation, and statistical procedures for evaluation of sensory scores. The course includes use of case studies to illustrate sensory attributes of foods, consumer acceptability, and preference tests
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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FDSC420 - Internship |
(6 credit hours) |
The course aims at providing students with practical skills relevant to their future career. The student spends five weeks of practical training in a food processing company or food service institutions. Pre-requisite: completing 90 credit hours
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC425 - Internship |
(3 credit hours) |
The course aims at providing students with practical skills relevant to their future career. The student spends five weeks of practical training in a food processing company or food service institutions. Pre-requisite: completing 90 credit hours
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC431 - Shelf life of stored food |
(3 credit hours) |
The course includes an analysis of mechanisms and rate of food spoilage, setting limits of deteriorative changes that would make food unacceptable, shelf life estimation, and accelerated shelf life testing; sensory evaluation as a means of evaluating food acceptability; quality monitoring during storage and distribution systems, and influence of packaging in shelf life extension.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC355
- FDSC350
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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FDSC448 - Food process Engineering II |
(3 credit hours) |
The course description includes quantitative analysis of food processing operations, process efficiency evaluations, unsteady state heat transfer, cooling and heating of foods, kinetics of thermal microbial inactivation and thermal degradation of critical food components, thermal process evaluation, mass and heat transfer, dehydration systems, radiant heat, and surface browning rates.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC347
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC452 - Food Analysis |
(3 credit hours) |
This course deals with instrumental methods for analysis of physical and chemical attributes of foods. The course covers use of spectrophotometry, visible UV, IR in food analysis; principles and examples of compounds analysis, instrumental color analysis, high performance liquid chromatography, gas liquid chromatography, rheology, and mechanical texture analysis.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC350
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC453 - quality control and assurance |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at providing the student with the theoretical and practical skills in the field of food quality control with concentration on the common foods in the Gulf region. The course includes quality assurance, HACCP, statistics applied to establishment of sampling plans, acceptance or rejection of lots, control charts, utilization of product evaluation and analytical data in management decisions.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC350 or FDSC3501
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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FDSC454 - Food laws |
(2 credit hours) |
This course includes discussion on relevant food laws in UAE, trading partner countries as they affect food imported into the UAE or exports of UAE products to other countries. Local and regional regulations related to customs or traditions Islamic Dietary Laws and Processing requirements, US food laws, international food standards-Codex, labeling standards, and nutritional information will be examined.
Prerequisite: |
- ENGU1304 or ENGU1305
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC454I - Food laws |
(2 credit hours) |
This course includes discussion on relevant food laws in UAE, trading partner countries as they affect food imported into the UAE or exports of UAE products to other countries. Local and regional regulations related to customs or traditions Islamic Dietary Laws and Processing requirements, US food laws, international food standards-Codex, labeling standards, and nutritional information will be examined.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC456 - Total quality management progr |
(3 credit hours) |
The course includes defining food quality standards, food safety specifications, local food regulations, and preferences, religious, cultural requirements, and health concerns. Students will study raw material specifications, HACCP plans, process control programs, and setting up packaging programs committed to total quality management
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC457 - Technology of muscle food |
(3 credit hours) |
This course introduces the students to the basic knowledge of animal foods (meat, poultry, and seafood) for studying their nature and changes that occur during processing. It introduces methods of preservation and processing and the hygienic condition during handling. It covers the reuse of secondary products and wastes of secondary products from slaughterhouses and fish processing plants.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC355
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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FDSC458 - Dairy product technology |
(3 credit hours) |
The objective of the course is to provide the students with theoretical and practical skills in dairy products technology and the changes that occur during processing. The course includes liquid milk, fermented milk products, and the importance of processing techniques in hot environments.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC355
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC462 - Effects of processing on nutri |
(3 credit hours) |
The course includes physical and chemical changes in processed food and food components affecting digestibility, absorption, availability, and biological activity of nutrients. The course covers beneficial and adverse health effects of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and micronutrients, by studying oxygen sensitive nutrients, heat labile nutrients, heat stability, and optimizing heating processes for maximum retention.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC355
- FDSC350
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC464 - Refrigerated warehouse practic |
(3 credit hours) |
The course includes the principles of refrigeration and management of refrigerated and frozen food storage warehouses. Topics covered include refrigeration systems controls, product quality and safety.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC448
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC466 - Food product devlopment |
(3 credit hours) |
This course introduces students to the principles of new product development from idea generation to production of prototype and product testing. The course includes organizing a product development team, use of case studies to describe possible new product, defining its attributes, development of product prototype, preliminary testing, modification, and sensory testing of prototype. Prerequisite: FDSC 355 & FDSC 409
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC355
- FDSC409
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC470 - Current issues in food science |
(2 credit hours) |
The course provides the students with current scientific literature in food sciences. The course includes oral presentation and discussion of scientific publications, special reports, and techniques of specialized topics in the area of food sciences. Prerequisite: completion of 90 Credit hours
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC470I - Current issues in food science |
(2 credit hours) |
The course provides the students with current scientific literature in food sciences. The course includes oral presentation and discussion of scientific publications, special reports, and techniques of specialized topics in the area of food sciences. Prerequisite: completion of 90 Credit hours
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC477 - Oil and fat technology |
(3 credit hours) |
This course is designed to give students an understanding of the technology and chemistry of oil and fat. The course includes extraction procedures of oil and fat from plant and animal origins, clarification, characteristics, chemistry of lipids, and changes that occur during storage. It covers oil hydrogenation, manufacturing of shortening, and margarine. Prerequisite: FDSC 355
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC355
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC478 - Cereal technology |
(3 credit hours) |
This course provides students with the technology and chemistry of the principal cereals and kernel structure with respect to the technological characteristics and nutritive value. Processing of wheat, corn, sorghum, and rice; utilization of products and by-products; bread-making process, dough rheology and technology; breakfast cereals and protein-enriched cereal products.
Prerequisite: |
- FDSC355
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC480 - Senior project |
(4 credit hours) |
The course is a capstone course to be individually designed by the faculty advisor for each senior student to integrate all courses and training of the student, from all activities involved by the student, during his/her entire stay at UAEU. Research methods, analysis of data collected, interpretation, and hypothesis must be developed by the students on a specific topic. A written thesis is to be produced by the student at the end of the course. Pre-requisite: Completion of 90 Credit Hours
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC480I - Senior Project |
(3 credit hours) |
The course is a capstone course to be individually designed by the faculty advisor for each senior student to integrate all courses and training of the student, from all activities involved by the student, during his/her entire stay at UAEU. Research methods, analysis of data collected, interpretation, and hypothesis must be developed by the students on a specific topic. A written thesis is to be produced by the student at the end of the course. Prerequisite: Completion of 90 Credit hours
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FDSC602 - Ethics of Science |
(1 credit hours) |
This course covers a variety of topics regarding the application of modern technology and the
way it affects human life. Issues such as scientific integrity and plagiarism will be
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC605 - Graduate Seminar |
(3 credit hours) |
Analysis of current and prospective issues in specified subject areas in the field of food science includes student exploration of unsolved food science problems and opportunities. This course exposes the student to the literature search, interprets and analyses the literature review, the methodologies and discussion. The student is expected to provide a critical review of the scientific papers in the specified subject areas. The student should subsequently develop confidence in presenting information, communication and analyze presentation styles and effectiveness. This exercise will continue till the student defend his/her thesis
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC608 - Teaching Practice |
(3 credit hours) |
To provide a variety of opportunities for training and preparation for teaching; the student will assist a faculty/instructor member in teaching a laboratory course. In addition the student will be involved in training undergraduate students and incoming graduate students in the laboratory. The student will experience the instructional development under faculty guidance, experience in testing and evaluation of undergraduate students and analysis of teaching performance.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC612 - Advanced Food Chemistry |
(3 credit hours) |
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC615 - Adv Shelf-life of Stored Foods |
(3 credit hours) |
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC622 - Advanced Food Analysis |
(3 credit hours) |
This gcourse provides a comprehensive coverage of the important field of food analysis. It deals with the conceptual framework of food analysis including qualitative and quantitative aspects of food composition and food properties (both chemical and physical analyses). It discusses sampling, extractions, analysis, standardization, statistical evaluation, and analytical method validation. By the end of the course, students will have a profound knowledge of the basic concepts and specific knowledge of different analytical techniques and their applications in food analysis. The course will also include aspects of OMIC technologies pertinent to food analysis.
The course will be based on lectures, seminats, homeworks, and discussions. Evaluation will be based on students participation in assignments and on a final examination.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FDSC632 - Advanced Oil and Fat Technolog |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims to give the students an advanced understanding of the technology of oils and fats and the chemical and physical properties related to raw materials and final products. The course considers different oil and fat sources and studies their extraction, clarification, refining, and modification. It focuses on the formulation and production of shortenings, margarines, special fat substitutes as well as analysis and quality aspects of processed oils.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC640 - Advanced Food Microbiology |
(3 credit hours) |
This course will discuss current issues in food microbiology and emerging food pathogen
microorganisms including bacteria, molds and viruses. This is an advanced graduate level
course on the pathogenesis bacterial infections and intoxications. Specific topics will cover
the most common and important microorganism food pathogens, their incidence and behavior in
various foods. Other topics to be covered will include the microbial ecology of food, factors
affecting the growth and survival of microorganisms in foods, and strategies for the
production of safe food.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC701 - Indep. Studies in Food Scie. |
(3 credit hours) |
This course exposes the student to the literature search, interprets and analyses the literature review, the methodologies and discussion as well reading current books related to the food science and technology. It includes selected reading and in-depth discussions of current and emerging issues and critical analysis of current and prospective issues in specified subject areas.
Topics are to be assigned and approved by the Department PhD committee. The course may be repeated for credit to a maximum of 3 credit hours.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC780 - Comprehensive Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FDSC801 - Research Thesis |
(12 credit hours) |
A directed research works on a specialized topic under the supervision of faculty main supervisor and advisors; the practical research is carried out during the semester terms.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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