List of Courses
* All credit hours are based on the current term, this may vary for previous terms.
FOED101 - Learning Communities |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at enabling candidates ot acquire a broad knowledge of learning communities. The course emphasize school, family, community, and profession as learning communities. Furthermore, the course addresses the multiple roles of teachers, professional development, ethical values and behavior standards of teaching staff, and the creation of partnership for effective teaching and learning in schools. Emphasis is placed on the concept of learning communities and its utilization to improve learning outcomes
Prerequisite: |
- CURR210
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FOED102 - Professional ethics in ED. |
(3 credit hours) |
Learners, teachers, and school leaders are faced daily with ethical choices and with views and decisions reflecting differing values. To function properly, they need to be clear about their own ethical standards and those of their institution and society. This course (a) introduces students to different approaches to ethics, and (b) examines ethical issues confronting learners, teachers and school leaders. The aim is to help students construct an ethics knowledge-base that will illuminate their professional ethical choices about teaching and learning, curriculum, classroom management, and research. Students will be able to incorporate ethical standards and codes in their future work
Prerequisite: |
- ENGU1305 or ENGU1305X or ENGU1304 or ENGU1304X or BNCHFORMIN.SCOREOF5.0
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED201 - School and Family |
(3 credit hours) |
School and Family
The course aims at introducing candidates to the basic concepts related to family, school, and their roles in the education process. It covers different aspects related to interactions between school and family as necessarily important for the social context of learning. The course places emphasis on the integration of family and school roles for the purpose of achieving effective learning
Prerequisite: |
- FOED101
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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(3 credit hours) |
Special Topic in Elementary Education
This course introduces candidates to some of the recent and contemporary issues in education. The course topic varies from one semester to another. Each semester the course covers one or more themes such as educational innovations, educational policies, and school effectiveness and improvement etc. The course emphasis is on current and critical educational issues.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FOED321 - Sch. Management&Supervision |
(3 credit hours) |
School Management and Supervision
This course aims at enabling students to acquire knowledge and skills related to school management and supervision. A wide array of topics is covered such as: emergence of school management, concept of management and managerial processes (planning, organization, leadership, supervision and evaluation), traditional and recent trends in school management and supervision. Emphasis is placed on school based management, school effectiveness, and school improvement.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED350 - Educational Research |
(3 credit hours) |
Educational Research
This Course is designed to introduce teacher education candidates to educational research skills that they will use in their future teaching practice. An overview of major approaches to educational research is provided initially, followed by an examination of the components of equivalent research, including planning a study, selecting a research method, gathering, analyzing and interpreting evidence. And the writing of a research report. Finally, an overview action research will provide candidates with skills to undertake action research in their future roles as professional practitioners.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FOED513 - Ed. Between Family & School |
(2 credit hours) |
The course aims at emphasizing the importance of initiating links between family and school to the benefit of education, besides elaborating the role of the school in developing its community.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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FOED554 - Learn.comm.diploma |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at enabling candidates to acquire a broad knowledge of learning communities. The course emphasizes school, family, community, and profession as learning communities. Furthermore, the course addresses the multiple roles of teachers, professional development, ethical values and behavior standards of teaching staff, and the creation of partnership for effective teaching and learning in schools. Emphasis is placed on the concept of learning communities and its utilization to improve learning outcomes.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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FOED6015 - Intern. perspective on ED LSH |
(3 credit hours) |
International Perspectives on Educational Leadership:
This course will introduce candidates to a variety of contextualized international experiences on Educational leadership.
The aim of the course is threefold: a) to help candidates recognize that the local culture is vital to the understanding of educational leadership and administration, b) to assist them to think critically about international experience of educational leadership ,and c) to prepare them to apply their knowledge of appropriate international educational experiences to the UAE educational leadership context.
Course readings and activities will be divided into three broad sets. The first addresses the social cultural context of educational leadership. The second cross-culturally examines the selection, recruitment, monitoring, and evaluation of school leaders. The third focuses on educational leadership development in different regions of the world.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6016 - Leading Schools and Communitie |
(3 credit hours) |
Leading Schools and Communities:
This course prepares candidates to lead schools using the learning community approach. It focuses on introducing candidates to the knowledge and skills that will help them transform and lead schools to function as communities that support the learning and development of students, teachers
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6019 - Leadership of Change in ED. Or |
(3 credit hours) |
Leadership of change in educational Organizations:
This course is designed to enable candidates preparing to be educational leaders to effectively manage change in their workplaces. The course is based on the premise that planning for change begins with a deep understanding of the culture of an organization so that strategic decisions can be made about implementing change. Change requires the transformation of contexts in order to improve both educational systems and learning opportunities for students; it is viewed as a process rather than an event. This course supports the development of leaders by recognizing that the process of change has many components that require planned attention and careful implementation if an educational organization is to improve its effectiveness. Aspects that candidates will prepare for include the development of community support for proposed changes, and the management of expectations, resistance, and conflict that often arise. Candidates will prepare also to build organizational capacity, focus on shared leadership, develop cultures for learning and evaluation, work with external and internal constraints, and create coherence in order to successfully implement and maintain changes that improve organizational effectiveness.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6400 - Thesis |
(3 credit hours) |
Project or Portfolio Preparation and Defense
M.Ed. Project or Portfolio: Each student will conduct a project or construct a portfolio that is a culminating experience in the M.Ed. program. The project or portfolio is intended to document mastery of knowledge, understanding, and applications of important ideas in the area of their study and must be consistent with professional standards for the program of study. Each student should select the standards that apply to his or her project or portfolio and will earn 6 credit hours of research work under the supervision of an advising committee. The advising committee should consist of three members, one of whom is the major advisor who must be a faculty member from the relevant department. The second member should be from the college of education, and the third one may be from any college within the university. Each student should work on the project or portfolio for a minimum of two semesters.
Each student is responsible for gathering evidence to be included in the project or portfolio. At least five of the relevant professional standards must be addressed, with three pieces of supporting evidence for each standard included as documentation. The project or portfolio proposal course is designed to introduce students to the expectations and methods by which evidence may be collected and presented. Upon completion, the documents must be evaluated and the project or portfolio defended before a three-member examination committee consisting of the major advisor, a faculty member from the university and an external examiner appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon recommendation of the major advisor and approval of the executive program committee. Decisions discussed and made by the examination committee concerning the defense are closed and confidential; however the presentation and questions during the defense are open to the university community.
Prerequisite: |
- FOED6401
- FOED6402
- FOED6403
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6401 - Thesis Proposal Dev. Seminar1 |
(1 credit hours) |
Project or Portfolio Preparation and Defense
M.Ed. Project or Portfolio: Each student will conduct a project or construct a portfolio that is a culminating experience in the M.Ed. program. The project or portfolio is intended to document mastery of knowledge, understanding, and applications of important ideas in the area of their study and must be consistent with professional standards for the program of study. Each student should select the standards that apply to his or her project or portfolio and will earn 6 credit hours of research work under the supervision of an advising committee. The advising committee should consist of three members, one of whom is the major advisor who must be a faculty member from the relevant department. The second member should be from the college of education, and the third one may be from any college within the university. Each student should work on the project or portfolio for a minimum of two semesters.
Each student is responsible for gathering evidence to be included in the project or portfolio. At least five of the relevant professional standards must be addressed, with three pieces of supporting evidence for each standard included as documentation. The project or portfolio proposal course is designed to introduce students to the expectations and methods by which evidence may be collected and presented. Upon completion, the documents must be evaluated and the project or portfolio defended before a three-member examination committee consisting of the major advisor, a faculty member from the university and an external examiner appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon recommendation of the major advisor and approval of the executive program committee. Decisions discussed and made by the examination committee concerning the defense are closed and confidential; however the presentation and questions during the defense are open to the university community.
Prerequisite: |
- CURR6012C
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6402 - Thesis Proposal Dev. Seminar2 |
(1 credit hours) |
Project or Portfolio Preparation and Defense
M.Ed. Project or Portfolio: Each student will conduct a project or construct a portfolio that is a culminating experience in the M.Ed. program. The project or portfolio is intended to document mastery of knowledge, understanding, and applications of important ideas in the area of their study and must be consistent with professional standards for the program of study. Each student should select the standards that apply to his or her project or portfolio and will earn 6 credit hours of research work under the supervision of an advising committee. The advising committee should consist of three members, one of whom is the major advisor who must be a faculty member from the relevant department. The second member should be from the college of education, and the third one may be from any college within the university. Each student should work on the project or portfolio for a minimum of two semesters.
Each student is responsible for gathering evidence to be included in the project or portfolio. At least five of the relevant professional standards must be addressed, with three pieces of supporting evidence for each standard included as documentation. The project or portfolio proposal course is designed to introduce students to the expectations and methods by which evidence may be collected and presented. Upon completion, the documents must be evaluated and the project or portfolio defended before a three-member examination committee consisting of the major advisor, a faculty member from the university and an external examiner appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon recommendation of the major advisor and approval of the executive program committee. Decisions discussed and made by the examination committee concerning the defense are closed and confidential; however the presentation and questions during the defense are open to the university community.
Prerequisite: |
- FOED6401
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6403 - Thesis Proposal Dev. Seminar3 |
(1 credit hours) |
Project or Portfolio Preparation and Defense
M.Ed. Project or Portfolio: Each student will conduct a project or construct a portfolio that is a culminating experience in the M.Ed. program. The project or portfolio is intended to document mastery of knowledge, understanding, and applications of important ideas in the area of their study and must be consistent with professional standards for the program of study. Each student should select the standards that apply to his or her project or portfolio and will earn 6 credit hours of research work under the supervision of an advising committee. The advising committee should consist of three members, one of whom is the major advisor who must be a faculty member from the relevant department. The second member should be from the college of education, and the third one may be from any college within the university. Each student should work on the project or portfolio for a minimum of two semesters.
Each student is responsible for gathering evidence to be included in the project or portfolio. At least five of the relevant professional standards must be addressed, with three pieces of supporting evidence for each standard included as documentation. The project or portfolio proposal course is designed to introduce students to the expectations and methods by which evidence may be collected and presented. Upon completion, the documents must be evaluated and the project or portfolio defended before a three-member examination committee consisting of the major advisor, a faculty member from the university and an external examiner appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon recommendation of the major advisor and approval of the executive program committee. Decisions discussed and made by the examination committee concerning the defense are closed and confidential; however the presentation and questions during the defense are open to the university community.
Prerequisite: |
- FOED6402
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6421 - Personnel Admin. & Staff Deve. |
(3 credit hours) |
Personnel Administration and Staff Development
This course is designed to help candidates to acquire a deeper understanding of the issues involved in managing and leading school personnel in educational organizations. The course provides a comprehensive overview of personnel administration as it relates to recruitment, selection, orientation, induction, mentorship, staff development, staff appraisal, in-service education, motivation, and work incentives.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6422 - School Finance & Resource Mang |
(3 credit hours) |
School Finance and Resources Management:
The purpose of this course is to help candidates acquire the knowledge and skills required to financially manage school organizations that promote effective learning environment. The course emphasizes both theoretical and practical applications of budgeting, as well as issues of accountability and efficiency in managing school fiscal and physical resources.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6423 - Profession.&Cultur. Issues/ED |
(3 credit hours) |
Professional and Cultural Issues in Education:
The course is designed to prepare culturally-sensitive leaders who are capable of understanding, responding to, and positively influencing the contexts of their workplaces as well as the larger society. The course will also examine the political, social, and cultural aspects of UAE K-12 education as they pertain to issues of professional integrity, fairness, and ethics.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6424 - Educational Supervision |
(3 credit hours) |
Educational Supervision
This course is designed to introduce candidates to essential aspects of the philosophies, theories, and practices of supervision that enhance the teaching and learning of those in educational institutions. The purpose is to assist candidates to construct an extensive knowledge-base and to develop skills to effectively supervise the professional development of education personnel. In addition to supervision theories and approaches, and interpersonal skills; technical skills (i.e. strategies and techniques) related to supervision will be studied and practiced.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED6425 - School Leadership |
(3 credit hours) |
School Leadership:
This course is designed to assist candidates to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to lead a school. Using contemporary leadership theory and research, candidates will prepare to support and assist an educational community to develop and articulate a vision that supports effective teaching and learning, and then implement and maintain the vision.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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FOED704 - Philosophy of Education |
(3 credit hours) |
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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