Medicine & Health Sciences - Community Medicine

List of Courses


* All credit hours are based on the current term, this may vary for previous terms.

STA600 - Biostatistics & Exper Design (2 credit hours)
AIM: To introduce the basic statistical methods used in research. As part of this introduction, students will learn to make practical use of SPSS. OBJECTIVES By the end of this module students should be able to: (i) describe the role of statistical methods in research; (ii) present results effectively by making appropriate displays, summaries, and tables of data; (iii) appreciate the problem of sampling variation, and the role of statistical methods in quantifying this; (iv) select an appropriate statistical method for the analysis of simple data sets; (v) correctly interpret the results of statistical analyses reported in the literature; (vi) perform simple statistical analyses using SPSS (vii) interpret their findings from statistical analyses and present these findings in a clear, concise, and logical manner.

Semester: Fall Go To Index