Law - Shari'ah & Law

List of Courses


* All credit hours are based on the current term, this may vary for previous terms.

SL240 - External Training (0 credit hours)
This training is conducted for one semester following the semester in which the student finishes all required and elective courses of the college (132 Credit Hours). Students will be distributed among the different sites of legal work such as courts, public attorneys' offices, police, departments of legal affairs of Federal and local agencies, well known lawyers' firms and the economic establishments in the governmental, semi-governmental and private sector. Students may also have a part of their external training working at the legal clinic of the college. In this training, students should acquire good knowledge about the organization of the places in which they get their training and about how these places are applying law on their business. Students, as well, should be given a chance to try to practice some of the actual business of the training places...

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