List of Courses
* All credit hours are based on the current term, this may vary for previous terms.
ITPG608 - Advanced Network Security |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims to provide students with an advanced knowledge of network
security. Topics to be covered include security issues in cellular networks;
authentication/key management in wireless LAN; security issues in mobile ad-hoc
networks: trust establishment, secure routing, anonymity; selfishness and fairness
in wireless networks; key distribution in sensor networks; secure data aggregation
in sensor networks; security and privacy issues in RFID; intrusion detection;
advanced network security architectures; security in trusted-based computing
environments; advanced boarder control mechanisms.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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ITPG634 - Adv.Internet Security Protocol |
(3 credit hours) |
Internet security protocols used mainly for Per-packet authentication. These protocols include IPSec, TLS, Kerberos, Radius, SET, PPTP, S/MIME for their deployment and application.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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ITPG647 - Policy, Criteria & Eval.for IT |
(3 credit hours) |
This course starts by reviewing the major concepts related to assurance, assurance
versus trust, and functionality versus assurance. Evaluating IT Systems Security:
goal of formal evaluation and historical perspective of evaluation methodologies,
knowledge of the formal evaluation methodologies used for evaluating IT
systems. Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC). This course
then covers Common Criteria: understanding the major processes, steps,
activities, concepts, terminologies, and how the methodology is used throughout
the life of the system, Functionality requirements, Assurance requirement, etc.
Finally, this course utilizes the above mentioned evaluation methodologies to
evaluate the different authentication and access control models and IT systems.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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SECB310 - Crypto. Algorithms & Protocols |
(3 credit hours) |
Security protocol modules; Introduction to the basics and objectives of cryptography namely confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, freshness, and non-repudiation; Security Tools; Symmetric (secret-key) mechanisms for encryption and data authentication; Asymmetric (public-key) mechanisms for key-exchange; Encryption and data authentication; Algorithms related to cryptographic operations; Key management and key generation; Implementation of algorithms. (Prerequisite: ITBP210 and ITBP202)
Prerequisite: |
- ITBP210
- ITBP202
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SECB335 - Advanced Cryptographic Protoco |
(3 credit hours) |
Common design flaws, general design principles, logics for proofs of correctness, limitations of formal methods, composition of protocols, authentication protocols, payment protocols, anonymity protocols, multiparty protocols. Internet security protocols: IPSEC, TLS, Kerberos, Radius, SET, PPP, S/MIME, deployment and application of these protocols.
Prerequisite: |
- ITBP330
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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SECB405 - Sec. Protocols for Internet |
(3 credit hours) |
Principles and methods for knowledge representation, reasoning, learning, problem solving, planning, heuristic search, natural language processing, speech recogition; LISP, PROLOG, or expert system programming languages. Pre-requisite: SECB310.
Prerequisite: |
- SECB310
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SECB425 - Security Arch. & Mech. |
(3 credit hours) |
OM-AM framework. Security architectures and mechanisms; Security infrastructure; Reusable infrastructures; Public-key centric architectures; Consumer-oriented public-key infrastructure; Coupled and de-coupled authentication and authorization architectures; Multilevel security architectures. (Prerequisite: ITBP301)
Prerequisite: |
- ITBP301
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SECB451 - Policy Criteria & Evaluation |
(3 credit hours) |
The Common Criteria, functionality versus assurance, assurance techniques, security policy drivers. Criteria for cryptographic devices. Internal and external security evaluations
Prerequisite: |
- ITBP301
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SECB490 - Senior ISE Exhibition |
(3 credit hours) |
This will be a complete secure system demonstration. Teams of students will elicit requirements from users for a moderate sized secure system. Pre-requisite: SECB 390
Prerequisite: |
- ITBP290
- ITBP299
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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SECB499 - Special Topics in Info Sec. |
(3 credit hours) |
Selected advanced topics, including new and emerging areas, in information security not covered in the rest of the curriculum.
Prerequisite: |
- ITBP301
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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