List of Courses
* All credit hours are based on the current term, this may vary for previous terms.
ECOM320 - Random Signals |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to probability with applications to electrical engineering, Sets and events, probability functions, independence, random variables, probability distribution and density functions, expectations, and characteristic functions. Dependence and correlation; multi-variant Gaussian distribution. Random processes, stationarity, ergodicity, correlation functions, spectral densities, random inputs to linear systems; Gaussian processes.
Prerequisite: |
- MATH1120
- STAT220
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ECOM360 - Fund. of Communication Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Background and overview of communication systems. Analysis and transmission of signals. Analog modulation techniques: amplitude modulation/demodulation, DSB, DSB-SC, SSB, and Phase and frequency Modulation/Demodulation. Analog communication Systems: Super heterodyne receiver, Multiplexing systems, Phase-locked loops, and Television and broadcast systems. Performance of Analog system in present of noise: Noise in AM receivers, noise in FM receivers. Sampling theory and Pulse Modulation: PAM, PPM and PWM.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ECOM402 - Communication Systems Lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Filter design and characteristics. ,AM Modulation/Demodulation Circuits, FM Modulation/Demodulation Circuits.
PCM, Delta Modulation, and Delta-Sigma Modulation Circuits. Bandpass digital Modulation/Demodulation techniques ASK ,FSK BPSK QPSK. Spread Spectrum –DSSS mod/dem. ,Fiber Optics – basics .
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM4221
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ECOM412 - Electromagnetic Waves |
(3 credit hours) |
Time varying fields and Maxwell's equations. Plane wave propagation in perfect dielectric, lossy dielectric and good conducting materials. Power flow and power losses. Standing wave ratio and skin effect. Reflection and refraction of plane waves for normal and oblique wave incidence. Transmission lines (TL), power flow on lossless lines, transient signal analysis on TL. Smith chart, input impedance and matching with single stubs. Rectangular waveguides and resonators.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC325
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ECOM422 - Digital Communication Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction: sampling theorem, quantizing & PCM, the maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver, error probability in ML receivers. Digital modulations: phase-shift keying (PSK), amplitude-shift keying (ASK), & frequency-shift keying (FSK). Pulse shaped modulations. Some advanced topics: differential PSK & offset PSK schemes. Generation of coherent references: phase-locked loops, linear & nonlinear models of PLL in the presence of additive noise.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM320
- ECOM360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ECOM432 - Data Communications & Networks |
(3 credit hours) |
Principles of data communications; information transfer, computer networks and their applications. Open systems and the OSI reference model. Physical layer: transmission media, multiplexing, analog and digital transmissions. Data Link Layer: media access control, error detection and correction, multiple access. Circuit switching: PSTN. Packet switching: ATM, Ethernet and gigabit networking. Local Area Networks (LANs), and Wide area Networks, (WANs). Network layer addressing and protocols.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ECOM442 - Data Comm. & Networks Lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Network Cabling and Testing, Building a Network, Testing and Troubleshooting a Network, Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing, and Routing Basics, WAN Technologies, Network Monitoring and security, and Wireless LAN.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM4321
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ECOM451 - Digital Signal Processing |
(3 credit hours) |
Overview of discrete-time signals and systems, representation of discrete-time systems by means of difference equations. Analysis of discrete-time signals and systems using Fourier and z-transforms. The sampling theory of continuous-time signals, digital processing of continuous-time signals using A/D and D/A conversion. Transform-based analysis of linear time-invariant (LTI) FIR and IIR systems and their structures. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast algorithms for its computation. FIR and IIR digital filter design.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ECOM461 - Digital Signal Processing Lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Fundamentals of applied digital signal processing (DSP) by implementing a wide range of DSP applications on general-purpose DSP development kits. Experiments cover fundamental concepts of digital signal processing like sampling and aliasing, quantization in A/D conversion, digital filter design and implementation, signal generation, spectrum estimation and fast transforms, sampling-rate conversion and multi-rate processing. Application experiments address a selection of multi-media and digital communications problems.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM4511
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ECOM531 - Microwave Engineering |
(3 credit hours) |
Design and analysis of passive microwave circuits. Topics include transmission lines, electromagnetic field theory, waveguides, microwave network analysis and signal flow graphs, impedance matching and tuning, resonators, power dividers and directional couplers, and microwave filters and components.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM412
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ECOM532 - Antenna Engineering |
(3 credit hours) |
Fields and power radiation of different thin linear antennas (e.g. ideal dipole, electrically short dipole, half wave dipole and dipole over perfect ground plane). Antenna parameters in the far zone: radiation pattern, beam width, side lobe level, radiation resistance, power loss, efficiency, directivity, gain and polarization. Antennas in communication links and radar (Friis formula, radar cross-section, effective aperture). Antenna arrays: array factor, radiation pattern, beam width and directivity of isotropic arrays and short dipole arrays, case of uniformly excited, equally spaced linear arrays. Descriptive study of wire antennas (e.g. Yagi-Uda) and broadband antennas (e.g. helical, biconical).
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM412
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ECOM542 - Wireless Communications |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to wireless communication systems. The cellular concept and system design fundamentals: frequency reuse, interference and system capacity. Radio propagation and large-scale path loss. Small-scale fading and multipath propagation: Doppler shift, mobile multipath channel parameters such as coherence bandwidth and coherence time. Diversity techniques and diversity combining. Spread spectrum communication techniques. Multiple access techniques: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, SDMA. Current and future wireless systems and standards.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM412
- ECOM360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ECOM551 - Intro. to Secure Commu. Sys. |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of Modulation and Coding; Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Systems; Frequency Hopping; Jamming and anti-jamming; Interception; Adaptive Antenna Systems; Cryptographic Communications: Rotor Machine and Polyalphabetic Ciphers; Block Ciphers; DES ; AES ; Public Key Systems; Key Management; Digital Signatures and Authentication; Stream Ciphers; Watermarking and Steganography; Selected case studies.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM422
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ECOM552 - Telecommunication Network Mang |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to methods, techniques and tools for the management of telecommunication systems and networks with specific examples from Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3), the Open System Interconnection Common Management Information protocol (OSI CMIP) and Remote Monitoring (RMON, RMON2). Issues to be addressed include: configuration and name management, fault and performance management, security, and accounting management. Other topics such as OSI/ISO based CMIS/CMIP, Web-based Network Management.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM432
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ECOM561 - Information Theory & Coding |
(3 credit hours) |
The concept of amount of information; average information; entropy and information rate; Shannon's theorem; channel capacity. Coding: mathematics of coding, groups, rings, fields and Galois fields. Block codes: parity and generator matrix, syndrome, and minimum distance. Cyclic and BCH codes; Convolutional codes and Viterbi decoding algorithm.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ECOM562 - Satellite Communications Sys. |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to Satellite Communication Systems. Link Analysis. Satellite Communication Techniques. Multiple Access Techniques. Multibeam Satellite Systems. Regenerative Satellite Systems. Broadcasting by Satellites. Inter Satellite Links. Satellite Communication Payload, Earth Station Technology, Project Work.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM412
- ECOM432
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ECOM571 - Communication Circuits |
(3 credit hours) |
RF signals in analog and digital modulations. RF circuits including linear amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, detectors, limiters, and power amplifiers; Transmitter and receiver structures; Phase locked loops; Design of RF integrated circuits; Circuit concepts like stability, noise, distortion, intermodulation, and dynamic range. Design problems of RF communication circuits or subsystems based on component, circuit, and system data and specifications.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM360
- ELEC370
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ECOM580 - Special Top. in Communications |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics in communications engineering are chosen by the course instructor at the beginning of the term and approved by the department council.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM360
- ECOM412
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC305 - Electric Circuits I |
(3 credit hours) |
Circuit Analysis Techniques: Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Source Transformation, Superposition, Thevenin’s and Norton Theorems. Transient Response: First Order RC & RL Circuits, Step Response & Time Constants, Second Order RLC Circuits, Resonance & Quality Factor. Sinusoids and Phasors: Phasor Representation of Sinusoids, Impedance & Admittance, Circuit Analysis using Phasors. Average Power and RMS values. Operational Amplifiers (Op Amp): Ideal Op Amp Operation, Circuit Analysis of Op Amp Inverting Configuration, Applications of Inverting Configuration, Circuit Analysis of Op Amp Non-Inverting Configuration.
Prerequisite: |
- MATH1120
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC310 - Electric Circuits I lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Introduction to Circuit Simulators. Circuit Analysis Techniques I (Nodal & Mesh Analysis). Circuit Analysis Techniques II (Thevenin’s & Norton & Superposition). Transient Analysis of RC & RL circuits. Resonance & Quality Factor of RLC Circuits. Circuit Analysis using Phasors. Networks DC & Transient Analysis. Op Amp Circuits I (Configurations & Circuit Analysis). Op Amp Circuits II (Op Amp Applications). Op Amp Limitations.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC3051
- GENG250
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC315 - Fund. of Microelec. Devices |
(3 credit hours) |
Semiconductors: energy bands, carrier concentration, carrier transport phenomena: drift, diffusion. P-N Junction: current-voltage characteristics. Diode models. Diode circuit applications: Rectifiers, Clippers, Clamper, Zener diode (Regulators). Metal-Semiconductor Contacts: equilibrium, idealized metal semiconductor junctions, non-rectifying (Ohmic) contacts, Schottky diodes. Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) capacitance. MOS Field-Effect Transistor: structure, current-voltage characteristics, DC biasing., the MOSFET as an amplifier and as a switch. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT): structure, current-voltage characteristics, DC biasing, charge control switching model, Ebers-Moll model.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC305
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC320 - Electric Circuits II |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of Instantaneous Power, Average power and RMS values, Active and Reactive Power. Three Phase Circuits and Power Distribution systems: Configuration of Different Three phase Systems, Three phase Power, Power factor Correction. Magnetically Coupled Circuits: Mutual Inductance, Dot Convention, Energy stored, Ideal Transformers, Three Phase Transformers. Frequency Response: Network Functions, Bode Plot, Resonance Circuits. Two port networks: Admittance Parameters, Impedance Parameters and Hybrid Parameters.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC305
- GENG220
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC325 - Engineering Electromagnetics |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of vectors and coordinate systems. Electrostatics: electric field intensity and potential due to different charge distributions; Electric flux, Gauss's law, divergence theorem and capacitance; Electric boundary conditions. Magnetostatics: steady magnetic field; Biot-Savart law; Ampere's circuital law; Stokes' theorem and magnetic flux. Magnetic force and Inductance. Magnetic boundary conditions.
Prerequisite: |
- PHYS1120
- MATH1120
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC330 - Computer Programming |
(3 credit hours) |
Example of algorithms for different applications, flow of ideas, data representation, problem breaking, modularity, recursion, order of computation. Programming fundamentals: data types, variables and expressions, decision structures, loops, functions and procedures, composite data structures: arrays, records, accessing files, lab assignments.
Prerequisite: |
- GENG2001
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC335 - Digital Logic Design |
(3 credit hours) |
Data representation, number systems, codes, arithmetic operations, Boolean algebra, logic gate, combinational logic circuits, minimization techniques, MSI modules: adder, decoders, multiplexers, programmable logic arrays. Flip Flops, sequential circuits, registers, counters, and memory. Design of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, state diagrams, state minimization and assignment. Memories.
Prerequisite: |
- GENG2001
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC345 - Digital Logic Design Lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Hands-on experimentation with primitive logic gates, decoders, multiplexers, adders, flip-flops, counters, registers, LEDs, and seven-segment displays.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC3351
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC360 - Signals & Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems: system properties, convolution sum and the convolution integral representation, system properties, LTI systems described by differential and difference equations. Fourier series: properties and applications, Fourier transform: properties and applications. Laplace Transform: properties and applications.
Prerequisite: |
- MATH2210
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC370 - Electronic Circuits |
(3 credit hours) |
Low and high frequency models for transistors. Small-signal analysis and design of single-stage MOSFET amplifiers. Small-signal analysis and design of single-stage BJT amplifiers. Frequency response characteristics of amplifiers. Multistage amplifiers: Small signal analysis and Frequency response characteristics of multistage amplifiers. Negative feedback: Properties and the four basic feedback topologies. Wave shaping: Basic principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators, Op Amp-RC Oscillator circuits, LC and crystal Oscillators, Multi-vibrators, and Voltage controlled oscillators (VCO). Output stages and power amplifiers: Classification.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC315
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC372 - Electro-Mechanical Devices |
(2 credit hours) |
AC circuit analysis: phasors steady state power analysis, polyphase circuits; basics of electrical machines construction, theory of operation, equivalent circuit and its governing equations of DC machines, 3-phase synchronous generations, single phase transformers, and 3-phase induction motors, semiconductor devices and transducers.
Prerequisite: |
- PHYS1120
- GENG250
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC375 - Electronic Circuits Lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Diode Characteristics & Circuit Applications, Zener Diode Characteristics & Circuit Applications. FET Characteristics, FET Amplifiers and frequency response characteristics. BJT DC Characteristics, BJT Amplifiers and frequency response characteristics., RC Coupled Amplifier characteristics and frequency response, Feedback amplifier operation and characteristics, Hartley and Colpitts oscillators and multivibrators, Complementary Power Amplifier DC Operation, AC Voltage and Power Gain.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC3701
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC411 - Electric Energy Conversion |
(3 credit hours) |
Magnetic circuits and introduction to the machinery principles. Single phase transformer, ideal and real transformer’s theory of operation. Modeling and experimental determination of the equivalent circuit parameters of: 3-ph synchronous and induction machines, theory of operation, Machine modeling, experimental determination of the equivalent circuit parameters. DC machines theory of operation and basic characteristics.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC320
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Summer |
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ELEC431 - Control Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Control Systems in the Real World, Feedback Concept, Modeling of Dynamic Systems, Block Diagrams, Sensitivity and Disturbance Analysis, Steady State Error Analysis, Stability Analysis, Time Domain Analysis of Control Systems, Frequency Domain Analysis of Control Systems, Control System Design in the Frequency Domain (Phase lead and phase lag Compensation, Nyquist and Nichols Charts), and Time Domain (Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control).
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC360
- MATH2220
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Summer |
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ELEC433 - Instrument. & Control Lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Practical analysis and design of feedback control systems and components: control design of second-order systems, PID control design, Programmable Logic Controllers.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC4311
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ELEC451 - Microprocessors |
(3 credit hours) |
Architecture of a Microcomputer System, Evolution of the Microprocessors, Software Architecture of the 8088/8086 Microprocessors, Software Development Tools, Instruction Set, Assembly Language Programming Techniques, Interfacing and Applications, Interrupts.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC335
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC461 - Microprocessors Lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Software debugging and development tools, Instruction set, Assembly language programming techniques with applications.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC4511
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC462 - Comp. Architecture & Organizat |
(3 credit hours) |
Basic structure of computers, machine programs sequencing, addressing modes, micro-programmed control, CISC & RISC CPUs, instruction architecture, data path and control, computer arithmetic, input-output organizations, I/O channels computer communications, memory organizations.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC451
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC472 - Power Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Power Systems Concept and Components, The UAE Power Network, Review of Phasors and Complex Power, Balanced Three-phase Circuits, Per Unit Notation, Transmission Line Parameters, Modeling of Transmission Lines in the Steady State Mode, Introduction to Power Flow, Fundamentals of Symmetrical faults calculation, Computer applications.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC320
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC481 - Electric Energy Conversion Lab |
(1 credit hours) |
Single phase transformers including turns ratio test, open-circuit test and short circuit test to determine the equivalent circuit parameters, in addition to exploring the concept of the voltage regulation and efficiency . DC machines (Motors and Generators) operation and basic characteristics. Basic tests and modeling of 3-ph synchronous generator in addition to the load characteristics. Torque-speed, efficiency, starting and other main characteristics of the Induction Motors.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC4111
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ELEC495 - Industrial Training |
(15 credit hours) |
Students spend one semester on full-time basis in in engineering or consulting company in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC370
- ELEC375
- ELEC330
- ELEC335
- ELEC345
- ECOM360
- GENG315
- MECH390
- MATH2220
- ELEC451
- ELEC461
- ELEC325
- ELEC320 or ECOM320
- ECOM412 or ELEC411
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC512 - Digital Electronics |
(3 credit hours) |
MOS Digital Circuits: Digital Circuit Design Overview, the MOSFET as a Digital Circuit Element Design and performance Analysis of the CMOS Inverter, CMOS Logic Circuits Pseudo-NMOS Circuits, Pass-Transistor Logic Circuits, Dynamic Logic Circuits, Latches and Flip-Flops, Multivibrators, Semiconductor Memories: Types and Architectures, Random-Access Memory (RAM) Cells, Read-Only Memory (ROM). Bipolar Digital Circuits: The BJT as a Digital Circuit Element, Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL or T?L) 3. Characteristics of Standard TTL; TTL Families with Improved Performance; Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL), Timing Circuits (Astable, Bistable, Monostable). Advanced Technology Digital Circuits: BiCMOS Digital Circuits, Overview of Silicon Germanium (SiGe) and Gallium-Arsenid.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC370
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC521 - Advanced Control Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Controllability and Observability, State and Output Feedback Controller Design, Observer Design, Linear Quadratic Regulator, Introduction to Robust Control Design, Fundamentals of Nonlinear Control.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC431
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ELEC522 - Industrial Automation |
(3 credit hours) |
Graphical symbols in Control Systems, Data acquisition, Implementation of digital PID controllers, Cascade Control, Feedforward control, Smith predictor controller, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Ladder diagrams, SCADA systems.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC431
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC530 - Spe. Top. In Power & Control E |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics in power and control engineering are are chosen by the course instructor at the beginning of the term and approved by the department council.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC472 or ELEC431
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC531 - Power Systems Analysis |
(3 credit hours) |
Power Systems Intelligent Electronic Devices for Monitoring, Metering, Protection, Control and Communication. Sources of Faults in Power Systems, Symmetrical Components, Sequence Networks, Unsymmetrical Short Circuits, Power System Stability, Transmission lines and Substation Protection, and Economics of Power Generation.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC472
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ELEC533 - Very Large Scale Integ. Cir.(V |
(3 credit hours) |
Historical perspective and future trend of CMOS technology; Basics of CMOS process; Design methodologies: custom, semicustom, automatic. The focus is on CMOS technology, using custom and standard cell-based design flows. Issues covered at the introductory level include deep sub-micron design, Global design issues: clocking, interconnect, physical design, sub-system design, power, testing as well as CAD tools. The course includes a project component in which students design and layout a small circuit (Chip).
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC370
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ELEC534 - Power System Distribution |
(3 credit hours) |
Generation, Transmission and distribution, Load characteristics, load estimation, Subtransmission lines and distribution substation, Primary systems, Secondary systems, Voltage drop, power loss, Application of capacitor banks, Distribution systems voltage regulation, Distribution System faults, Distribution System protection, Earthing systems, Power quality assessment, system reliability and Distribution automation.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC472
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC551 - Digital Image Processing |
(3 credit hours) |
An introduction to basic techniques of analysis and manipulation of pictorial data by computer, image /output devices, Image processing software, Enhancement, Segmentation, Property measurement, Hough transform, Fourier analysis, Computer encoding, processing, and analysis of curves.
Prerequisite: |
- MATH2220
- ELEC360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ELEC552 - Computer Networks |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of network models, wired & wireless Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks, Routing protocols, Congestion and Traffic mamagement, Network security.
Prerequisite: |
- ECOM432
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC561 - Java Programming Applications |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to Java applications & applets, Control structures, Methods, Arrays, Object-oriented programming, Strings & characters, Files and streams, GUIs, Term project.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC330
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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ELEC562 - Embedded System Design |
(3 credit hours) |
An investigation of current microcomputer structures with emphasis on design of control software, hardware implementation of I/O, analogy to digital (A/D) converter, serial communication, direct memory access, interrupts, interfacing external memory device, and microprogramming.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC451
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC570 - Special Topics Computer Engin. |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics in computer engineering are chosen by the course instructor at the beginning of the term and approved by the department council.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC330 or ELEC451
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC580 - Special Top. in Electronic Eng |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics in electronics engineering are chosen by the course instructor at the beginning of the term and approved by the department council.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC370
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC582 - Analog Integ. Circuit Design |
(3 credit hours) |
Integrated-circuits devices and modeling. Design of basic analog circuits, such as current sources and mirrors, differential amplifiers. Basic amplifier circuits, CMOS opamps, opamp compensation. Comparators. Noise. Reference circuits.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC370
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC585 - Graduation Project I |
(3 credit hours) |
This course is the capstone design experience. Students work in teams on a project design idea using all gained knowledge including literature search, data acquisition and analysis, system modeling and simulation, IT tools,, as well as the design hardware or software prototyping for demonstration and/or experimentation.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC495
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC590 - Graduation Project II |
(3 credit hours) |
This course is the capstone design experience. Students work in teams on a project design idea using all gained knowledge including literature search, data acquisition and analysis, system modeling and simulation, IT tools,, as well as the design hardware or software prototyping for demonstration and/or experimentation.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC585
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC592 - Power Electronics |
(3 credit hours) |
The Thyristor, AC and DC diode circuits, Thyristor commutation techniques, Single and three-phase converters, Controlled rectifiers, different static switches, AC voltage controllers, inverters and cycloconverters, DC Choppers. Thyristor data sheets, Protection of diodes and circuits.
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC370
- ELEC320
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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ELEC601 - Applied Discrete Mathematics |
(3 credit hours) |
Methods of Mathematical proof, Binomial Coefficients and Counting Methods, Automata and complexity analysis of Algorithms, Combinatorics and graph theory, Optimization Problems.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC602 - Linear Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Mathematical description of systems, fundamental of matrix algebra and quadratic forms, state space solution and realization of linear systems, stability of linear and nonlinear systems, controllability and observability, minimal realization and coprime fractions state feedback and state estimators.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC603 - Proj. Man. Tech. for Elec. Eng |
(3 credit hours) |
Process Approach to Project Management, Engineering Economic Analysis, Life-Cycle Costing, Project Screening and Selection, Multi-criteria Methods for Evaluation, Scope and Organizational Structure of a Project, Management of Product, Process, and Support Design, Project Scheduling, Resource Management, Project Budget, Project Control, Research and Development Projects, Computer Support for Project Management, Project Termination.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC604 - Adv. Dig. Signal Processing |
(3 credit hours) |
This course will review important concepts in digital signal processing and introduce a number of advanced topics and applications in one-dimensional digital signal processing. After reviewing the basic discrete time transforms including the discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT), discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and Z-transform, the course will introduce selected topics from IIR and FIR filter design, short-time Fourier analysis, modern spectral estimation, linear prediction, adaptive filtering, and array processing. Applications from speech / music analysis and synthesis would also be included.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC605 - Algorithmic Appl. in Elec. Eng |
(3 credit hours) |
Logic and Proofs, The Language of Mathematics, Relations, Algorithms, Introduction to Number Theory, Counting Methods and the Pigeonhole Principle, Recurrence Relations, Graph Theory, Trees, Network Models, Applications.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC611 - Detection and Estimation Theor |
(3 credit hours) |
Detection decision theory, Bayes and Neyman-Pearson Criteria, optimal receivers, classical estimation theory, signal-noise representations, signal detection in additive noise; Optimal linear estimation.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC612 - Communications Networks |
(3 credit hours) |
Fundamental concepts of communication networks, Architecture for access and internetworking, packet switching; protocols and throughput optimization, Routing; error and flow control, TCP/IP and other Internet protocols, Topological design algorithms, Queuing theory and its applications, Multiple access schemes.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC613 - Wireless Communications |
(3 credit hours) |
Evolution of radio communications and broadcast systems, new trends, economics of radio communications, spectrum usage; Cellular concept, coverage, frequency reuse, interference; Broadcast concepts; Radio propagation; Large scale path loss, small scale fading and multi-path; Wireless modulation techniques; Multiple access techniques; Networking and planning; Case studies.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC614 - Electromag. Interf. & Compat. |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to electromagnetic fields, circuits and signals, sources of electromagnetic interference and the E.M. environment, penetration through shields and apertures, shielding theory, principles of propagation and cross-talk, coupling from external fields, E.M. fields generated by transmission lines, prediction of EMI/RFI conditions in radio communications, simulation of E.M. coupling between systems, effects of electromagnetic interference on devices and systems, transients suppression, shielding and grounding, cable screening, filtering, general EMC design principles, EMC standards, EMC measurements and testing.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC615 - Adaptive Signal Processing |
(3 credit hours) |
Basic concepts and applications of adaptive signal processing; adaptive filters, beam-formers, optimum space/time processors and their adaptive implementation, adaptive algorithms.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC616 - Digital Image Processing |
(3 credit hours) |
The nature of images, visual effects, acquisition of images, sampling, quantization, and two-dimensional linear processing; image enhancement and restoration; image coding; texture analysis; tomography.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC617 - Antenna Design & Applications |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of Antennas basic theory: Radiation pattern antenna impedance, gain, directivity, bandwidth, beam width, and frequency dependence. Advanced level treatment of antenna design and analysis,. Analysis and synthesis of phased arrays. Reflector antennas. Microstrip antennas. Single and dual reflector systems. New concepts of primary radiator design. Primary feeds for monopulse radar. Antennas for navigation aids. Adaptive phased arrays and their application to radar
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC618 - Microwave Engineering |
(3 credit hours) |
Microwave: Properties of microstrip transmission lines. Theory and design of microwave integrated circuit components and systems. Microwave circuit devices (terminations, attenuators, couplers, circulators, the magic tee, and overall system considerations). Waveguides: circuit representation of waveguide systems using impedance and scattering formulation, impedance transformation and matching.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC619 - Adv. Topics in Comm. Eng. |
(3 credit hours) |
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Topics are to be chosen every year according to specific interests.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC621 - Power Systems Mod. & Control |
(3 credit hours) |
Modern power system operational and control problems. Single-area and Multi-area power systems. Load-frequency control. Automatic voltage regulator. Automatic generation control. Modern Control Centers.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC622 - Power Systems Protection |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of power system symmetrical components & fault analysis, protective device operating principles, instrument transformers, over current protection, distance and pilot protection, equipment protection: machines, transformers, buses, protection aspects of power system phenomena
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC623 - Power Systems Planning |
(3 credit hours) |
Economic dispatch, unit commitment, dynamic programming, power system planning and operation, control, generation modeling, AGC, and power protection.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC624 - Power Electr. Applic. in Util. |
(3 credit hours) |
HVDC transmission, renewable sources, utility interactive systems, static VAR compensators, utility interface systems, flexible AC transmission systems
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC625 - Power Systems Quality |
(3 credit hours) |
power quality disturbances, power quality standards, CBEMA and ITIC curves, Power quality indices, Power interruption, faults as a sources of sags and swells, motor starting sags, mitigation of sag and swell disturbances, waveform distortion, voltage fluctuation, power frequency variation, harmonic sources, power system responses to harmonics, resonance, harmonic analysis methods, harmonic mitigation, Transients, capacitor-switching transients, interaction of capacitor banks, circuit analysis of cap-switching transients, mitigation of transients, Power quality monitoring, detection classification and measurement, Power quality and deregulation. Solving power quality problems, power conditioning devices, static circuit breaker, static shunt and series compensator, passive and active harmonic filters.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC626 - Power System Trans.& Stability |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to power transients. Power system equipment modeling, synchronous machine modeling, Power system loads, Transient modeling and analysis, control of active power and reactive power, System stability, basics of steady state stability, transient stability, voltage stability, voltage collapse and preventing voltage collapse. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS).
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC627 - Advanced Motor Drives |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to power transients. Power system equipment modeling, synchronous machine modeling, Power system loads, Transient modeling and analysis, control of active power and reactive power, System stability, basics of steady state stability, transient stability, voltage stability, voltage collapse and preventing voltage collapse. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS).
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC628 - Emb. Syst. Des. us. Mic. cont. |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to power transients. Power system equipment modeling, synchronous machine modeling, Power system loads, Transient modeling and analysis, control of active power and reactive power, System stability, basics of steady state stability, transient stability, voltage stability, voltage collapse and preventing voltage collapse. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS).
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC629 - Adv. Topics in Power Eng. |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to power transients. Power system equipment modeling, synchronous machine modeling, Power system loads, Transient modeling and analysis, control of active power and reactive power, System stability, basics of steady state stability, transient stability, voltage stability, voltage collapse and preventing voltage collapse. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS).
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC631 - Quantum Semiconductor structu. |
(3 credit hours) |
Epitaxial growth of semiconductors, Electrons in quantum semiconductor structures, Localization and transport, Electronic states and optical properties of quantum wells, Nonlinear optics in low-dimensional semiconductors, Semiconductor lasers, Mesoscopic devices, High speed heterostructure devices.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC632 - Analog and Mixed Signal Design |
(3 credit hours) |
Analog Integrated Circuits, Analysis and modeling of active components. Current analog and mixed functions: operational amplifiers, D/A and A/D converters. Switched capacitor technique. Current-mode and voltage-mode design techniques. CMOS, Bipolar, and BiCMOS technologies. Design tools for analog and mixed-signal designs. Applications: Voltage regulators, advanced pre-amplifiers and amplifiers, current sources, filters
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC633 - VLSI System Design |
(3 credit hours) |
Static and dynamics MOS circuits; advantages and limitations of NMOS, CMOS, Bipolar and BiCMOS technologies; process and device simulators; system design, fault testing and symbolic layout.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC634 - Analog Integrated Circuits Des |
(3 credit hours) |
Design of linear integrated circuits. Op-amp design and modeling. AC and DC op-amp parameters and their effects on designs. Electronics noise sources and their control. Design and simulation (using CCI-CAP and spice programs) of differential amplifiers, active filters, oscillators, and other linear and nonlinear circuits using linear integrated circuits, PLLs.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC635 - Integrated Circuits Test & Mea |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to analog, digital, and mixed signal circuits and testing techniques, Test specification process, DC & parametric measurement, Tester hardware, Analog & sampled channel testing, DAC & ADC testing, Device interface board design, Design for test, Measurement accuracy & calibration, Data analysis, Test economics.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC636 - MOS Devices and Circuits |
(3 credit hours) |
Physics of MOS devices including the MOS capacitor and applications; long-channel MOSFET theory; MOSFET scaling and short-channel effects; hot carriers and reliability; SOI MOSFETs and CMOS; MOS memory; novel devices.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC637 - Sensors Design and Applicatio. |
(3 credit hours) |
Design, analysis and application of sensors used to measure physical quantities such as flow, level, temperature, pressure and density.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC638 - Mechatronics |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to Mechatronics, Physical System Modeling, Sensors & Actuators, Systems & Control, Computers & Logic Systems, Software & Data Acquisition.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC639 - Advance. Topics in Elect. Eng. |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics to be chosen every year according to specific interests.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC641 - Contemporay Digital Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to sequential logic, state machines, high performance digital systems: theory and application of modern design, alternative implementation forms and introduction to HDL, productivity, recurring and non-recurring costs, flexibility, and testability, hardware/software integration.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC642 - Artificial Intelligence |
(3 credit hours) |
An introduction to artificial intelligence and expert systems. Topics include: state-space representations and search methods, problem-reduction representation and search methods, theorem proving using predicate calculus; games, computer vision and robotics, natural languages, expert system design using Lisp or Prolog.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC643 - Dig. Circuit Test.& Des. F. Te |
(3 credit hours) |
An introduction to the practices and techniques in the field of digital circuit testing. Topics include: fault modeling, test generation for combinational logic circuits, test generation for sequential circuits, design of testable combinational circuits, design of testable sequential circuits, built-in self test, and testable memory design.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC644 - Artificial Neural Networks |
(3 credit hours) |
Overview of neuro-engineering technology, basic neural network architectures, single layer perception classifiers and multi-layer feed forward networks, single-layer feedback networks, and associative memories, Kohonen models and counter propagation networks, adaptive resonance theory and Boltzmann machines, Simulated annealing, temporal modeling, supervised and unsupervised learning, Implementation, basic applications to pattern recognition.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC645 - Computer Architecture |
(3 credit hours) |
Concepts of computer design, information representation, instruction sets and addressing modes, arithmetic and logic unit design for fixed and floating point operations, hardwired and microprogrammed control design, concepts of pipelining, CISC and RISC architecture, memory system design including virtual memory, caches and interleaved memories, I/O design methods, interrupt mechanisms, DMA and system integration.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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ELEC646 - Computational Vision |
(3 credit hours) |
The fundamentals of computer vision and techniques for image understanding and high-level image processing. Includes computational techniques, image segmentation, geometric structures, relational structures, inference, matching, stereo vision, sequence of images, shape, color and texture, three dimensional scene analysis, and vision systems, applications.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC647 - Computer Networks |
(3 credit hours) |
Study of local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN), survey of the state-of-the-art computer network. Topics include networking theory, design approaches, standards, topologies, OSI and TCP/IP, protocols, simulation tools such as Opnet will be used to evaluate different network designs, architectures, topologies, distributed processing, and applications.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC648 - Software Eng. Desing & Testing |
(3 credit hours) |
Background touch to traditional methods in software engineering, including the various development models, requirements, specification, design, implementation, and testing, issues of stepwise refinement and top-down designs are explored in depth. Students will complete a software project with the aide of STP, Logiscope, and ATTOL CASE tools.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC649 - Advanced Topics in Comput. En. |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics to be chosen every year according to specific interests.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC651 - Robust Control |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of Linear Algebra, Performance Specifications and Limitations, Uncertainty and Robustness, Loop Shaping, H2 an H_Infinity Control Design, Industrial Applications.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC652 - Nonlinear Control |
(3 credit hours) |
Analysis of nonlinear control systems; Lyapunov stability, numerical methods, phase-plane techniques, describing functions, and linearization via feedback.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC653 - Control & Instrumentation |
(3 credit hours) |
Laboratory study of advanced feedback control techniques as applied to nonlinear and multi-output systems under computer or microprocessor control.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC654 - Stochastic Estimation & Contr. |
(3 credit hours) |
Laboratory study of advanced feedback control techniques as applied to nonlinear and multi-output systems under computer or microprocessor control.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC655 - Adaptive Control |
(3 credit hours) |
Adaptive control for linear time-invariant systems. Includes indirect and model reference adaptive controllers plus a discussion of robustness issues in adaptive control.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC656 - Optimal Control |
(3 credit hours) |
Optimal control by dynamic programming. Pontryagins maximum principle, and variational methods; minimum time, energy, and fuel problems for linear continuous and discrete systems.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC657 - Advanced Feedback Control |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of Matrix Methods, State Space Realization, Multivariable Control Systems, State and Output Feedback Control, Model Reduction, Introduction to Large Scale Systems and Decentralized Control, Industrial Applications
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC658 - Sliding Mode Control |
(3 credit hours) |
Sliding mode control for decoupling of the design procedure and low sensitivity with respect to uncertainties.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC659 - Adv. Topica in Control Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Topics are to be chosen every year according to specific interests
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC691 - Graduate Seminar 1 |
(0 credit hours) |
Thesis option students should present a research proposal in front of a panel appointed by the EE Graduate Studies committee. Research projects are discussed to decide on the Master?s Thesis.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC692 - Graduate Seminar II |
(0 credit hours) |
Thesis option students should defend their MSc research in front of an examination panel appointed by the EE Graduate Studies committee. These seminars will be attended by faculty members, members of the student's advisory committee, and MSc students.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC693 - Master's Research Thesis |
(6 credit hours) |
Supervision of research work is made towards the completion of M.Sc. requirements for Thesis option students.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC694 - Research/Design Paper |
(3 credit hours) |
Supervision of research/design paper is made towards the completion of M.Sc requirements for Non-Thesis option students.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC735 - Adv. Topics in Electric. Eng.1 |
(3 credit hours) |
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students with emphasis on new frontiers in Electrical Engineering
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC736 - Adv. Topics in Electric. Eng.2 |
(3 credit hours) |
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students with emphasis on new frontiers in Electrical Engineering
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC740 - Indep. Research in Elec. Eng.1 |
(3 credit hours) |
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students, in which they conduct exploratory research with emphasis on new frontiers in Electrical Engineering.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC741 - Indep. Research in Elec. Eng.2 |
(3 credit hours) |
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students, in which they conduct exploratory research with emphasis on new frontiers in Electrical Engineering.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC745 - Electrical Engineering Seminar |
(1 credit hours) |
PhD students must sign for the 0 credit hour seminar course every semester.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC780 - Comprehensive Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
Passing the comprehensive exam is required to enter into PhD candidacy. The exam evaluates the research ability of potential PhD candidates.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC785 - Prospectus Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
PhD candidate defend research plans in front of supervisory committee.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC790 - Dissertation Doctoral Research |
(30 credit hours) |
Open to students who have successfully completed the comprehensive exam. PhD student conducts original research under the direction of a supervisory committee. Credits are determined in consultation with the dissertation supervisor.
Prerequisite: Student must pass
Prerequisite: |
- ELEC780
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC795 - Dissertation Defense |
(0 credit hours) |
Two part exam, open and close, to defend the results of PhD research work
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC880 - Comprehensive Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
Passing the comprehensive exam is required to enter into PhD candidacy. The exam evaluates the research ability of potential PhD candidates.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC885 - Prospectus Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
PhD candidate defend research plans in front of supervisory committee.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC990 - Dissertation Doctoral Research |
(30 credit hours) |
Open to students who have successfully completed the comprehensive exam. PhD student conducts original research under the direction of a supervisory committee. Credits are determined in consultation with the dissertation supervisor.
Prerequisite: Student must pass
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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ELEC995 - Dissertation Defense |
(0 credit hours) |
Two part exam, open and close, to defend the results of PhD research work
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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