List of Courses
* All credit hours are based on the current term, this may vary for previous terms.
CIVL270 - Intro. To Environmental Eng. |
(2 credit hours) |
This course aims at introducing the different topics related to the field of environmental engineering. It includes the role of environmental engineers; fundamentals of environmental chemistry; fundamentals of environmental microbiology; mass balance; mathematics of growth; risk assessment; water pollution; water quality control; solid waste management; and air pollution.
Prerequisite: |
- (CHEM1701) or (CHEM111 + CHEM175)
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL310 - Structural Analysis |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at providing students with the skills and techniques required for the analysis of statically determinate structures. It includes the discussion and review of basic statics; stability and determinacy; analysis of determinant structures (trusses, beams, and frames); cables and arches; influence lines of moving loads; deflection analysis (geometric and energy approach); introduction to indeterminate structures (slope deflection method and moment distribution method).
Prerequisite: |
- GENG3051
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL315 - Computer Aided Drawing (CIVL) |
(2 credit hours) |
This course gives an introduction to computer graphics, geometric construction and line convention. It includes orthographic projections, isometric, dimensioning, sectional views, and preparation of drawings for different civil engineering projects including concrete and steel structures.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL330 - Transportation Eng. |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at introducing the notions of transportation systems, organizations, and management. The course covers in details the elements of the transportation planning process; namely trip generation, trip attraction, trip distribution, modal split and trip assignment models. The course also covers aspects of forecasting travel demand and evaluating transportation alternatives using both economical and effectiveness approaches.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL335 - Surveying |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying fundamentals of plain surveying for civil engineers. It includes fundamentals of surveying measurements, including using classical and electronic measuring devices. Topics cover vertical distance measurements, topography representation, and horizontal distance measurements. Computation and determination of point coordinates are covered including measurements of angles and directions, and establishing of the horizontal control by Traverses, including field procedures and computations. Computation of earthwork volumes is also included in the course.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL3151
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL340 - Soil Mechanics |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at introducing the engineering properties of soils to the students. Topics cover soil formation and classification; soil water interaction; soil plasticity; permeability of soils; stress distribution in soils; soil compaction; shear strength of soils; the principle of effective stress.
Prerequisite: |
- GENG3051
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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CIVL345 - Fluid Mechanics Civil & Arch |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at presenting basic principles of fluid mechanics. It includes definitions and fundamental concepts, dimensions and units, properties of fluids, flow regimes, pressure and force calculations under hydrostatic conditions, manometers, buoyancy and stability of floating and submerged bodies, elementary fluid dynamics, conservation equations: mass, energy and momentum, continuity and Bernoulli equations, hydraulic gradient line and total energy line, linear momentum equation, Angular momentum equation, applications on conservation equations, Navier-Stockes equation, dimensional analysis, Rayleigh Method, Pi theorem, Geometric, kinematic and dynamic hydraulic similarities, undistorted and distorted hydraulic models, and Lab experiments on the above topics.
Prerequisite: |
- GENG240
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL358 - Surveying for Arch. Eng. |
(2 credit hours) |
The course gives fundamentals of plane surveying and an introduction to mapping science for architects. Topics covered include leveling, together with its field procedure and applications, and computation of areas and earth volumes. Computation and determination of point coordinates are also covered through studying methods for horizontal distance measurement, traversing, including its theory, applications, and adjustment. An introduction to photogrammetry is also included. In addition, the course sheds some light on computer aided surveying techniques.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL360 - Concrete Technology |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at introducing concrete and its constituents to the students. Topics include properties and specification of different types of cements; properties of aggregates; properties of fresh concrete; mixing, placing, and compaction of concrete; strength and durability of hardened concrete; concrete mix design; types of admixtures for concrete; special concretes and their applications; introduction to hot weather concreting; introduction to masonry materials.
Prerequisite: |
- MECH3901
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL365 - Reinforced Concrete Design I |
(3 credit hours) |
The course aims at developing the design process for reinforced concrete structural members. It includes; load determination, vertical and lateral load distribution, and lateral load resisting systems: frames and shear walls, design methods and structural safety. Applications of the design process to singly and doubly reinforced beams and T-beams, shear and diagonal tension in beams, design of short columns.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL310
- CIVL3601
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL375 - Water and Wastewater Technolog |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at presenting the analysis and design aspects of main technologies employed in water and wastewater treatment. It includes physical treatment processes like screening, grit removal, aeration, sedimentation, and filtration, chemical treatment processes like coagulation, flocculation, softening, iron and manganese removal, disinfection, ion exchange and adsorption, and biological treatment processes like activated sludge and anaerobic treatment units. The course addresses the reuse of wastewater and the treatment and disposal techniques of generated sludge. It also includes a number of laboratory experiments illustrating selected water and wastewater treatment technologies.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL270
- BIOL250
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL400 - Water Resources |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at presenting the different aspects of water resources and hydraulic applications. It includes introduction to, and significance of, water resources, rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, and surface runoff, mass curves, steady flow in closed conduit, friction losses in pipelines, pipe networks, types, selection and operation of pumps, open channel flow, normal and critical depths, specific energy concept, rapidly and gradually varied flow, water surface profile analysis and computation, introduction to groundwater hydraulics, and flow calculation in 2-D and 3-D wells. It also includes a number of laboratory experiments.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL345
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL412 - Reinforced Concrete Design II |
(4 credit hours) |
The course aims at the design of complex reinforced concrete structural systems. It includes the analysis and design of continuous beams; two-way slabs; design of reinforced concrete slender columns; stairs; and walls. Physical laboratory for testing beams, slabs and columns under different loads in addition to computational laboratory to practice the use of software in design of reinforced concrete elements.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL365
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL417 - Structural Steel Design |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying the properties of structural steel, steel sections and design concepts. In addition, the course discusses in details the design of main structural elements such as tension and compression members, as well as the design of beams. The course also covers the design of bolted and welded connections for tension members, and sheds the light on the design of simple beam connections.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL310
- CIVL3651
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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CIVL433 - Highway Engineering |
(3 credit hours) |
The course aims at covering aspects of geometric and structural design of highways. Aspects of geometric design include capacity calculations, sight distance, horizontal and vertical alignment, design of at-grade and grade- separated intersections. Aspects of structural design include loading analysis, design of asphalt layers, and design of hot asphalt mixes.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL3351
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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CIVL442 - Foundation Engineering |
(2 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying the design of different types of foundations for various structures. It includes subsurface exploration; bearing capacity; shallow foundation design; spread footing design; lateral earth pressure; sheet piles; and deep foundations.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL340
- CIVL3651
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL445 - Construction Management |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at introducing students to the different types and functions of management, project delivery methods, and types of contracts. It also includes the critical path method (CPM) and its application and program evaluation and review technique (PERT) method of scheduling. In this course, students will also learn resource leveling and allocation, cost estimation and bidding, and overall project management using CPM. The course also includes several computer applications.
Prerequisite: |
- GENG3151
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL458 - Str Sys & Steel Desig for ARCH |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying design loads, structural types, selection of structural material, selection of structural form, examples of real structural systems, steel sections, mechanical properties of structural steel, design of steel tension and compression members, design of steel beams and simple connections.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL310
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL495 - Industrial Training |
(15 credit hours) |
Students spend one semester on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills.
Prerequisite: |
- MATH2210
- MATH2220
- PHYS1120
- BIOL250
- GENG215
- GENG315
- MECH390
- GENG315
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL510 - Spec Topics In Struct Engr |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at introducing topics based on the recent developments and advances in structural engineering. It includes topics that are selected by the department based on the needs of students. The choice of the topics will be limited to the academic and financial resources of the department.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL365 or CIVL457
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL515 - Advanced Concrete Technology |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at teaching students advanced topics in Concrete Technology. Emphasis on hot weather concreting is the primary topic of this course. Topics include concrete durability matters such as pore structure, permeability, corrosion of the reinforcement and repair. Properties of high performance concrete shall also be addressed.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL360
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL517 - Matrix Structural Analysis |
(3 credit hours) |
The course aims at the analysis of structural systems. It includes the review of structural mechanics and matrix algebra, formulation of stiffness matrices of linear elements, displacement method and introduction to finite element analysis. It sheds light on the use of software packages for structural analysis.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL310
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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CIVL520 - Spe Top:Watr Res & Envr Engr |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics will be decided by the department based on the recent developments in water resources and the environmental engineering field, and the needs of students. The choice of the topics will be limited to the academic and financial resources of the department.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL270 or CIVL400
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL522 - Advanced Environmental Engr |
(3 credit hours) |
Basic concepts of EIA, environmental policies, framework of EIA, EIA methodologies, preparation of impact statements, types of air pollutants, sources, effects of air pollution on health and welfare, modeling atmospheric pollutants, and control of emissions.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL270
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL524 - Geo-environmental Engineering |
(3 credit hours) |
The course aims at presenting different aspects related to the field of geo-environmental engineering, emphasizing the influence/interaction of pollutants with the subsurface environment. The course includes topics in the area of geo-environmental practices; environmental land use; land environment sensitivity and tolerance; land disposal regulation; waste characterization; soil mineralogy; clay water system; soil-pollutant interaction; influence of pollutants on soil hydraulic properties.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL270
- CIVL340
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL525 - Hydrology |
(3 credit hours) |
The course aims at introducing basic concepts of hydrology. It includes introduction to hydrology, hydrologic budget, hydrologic measurements and data, statistical methods in hydrology, point and areal precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, characteristics of drainage basins, stream flow measurements: stage, velocity, discharge, stream flow hydrograph, surface water runoff, base flow separation, estimation of surface runoff volume, unit hydrograph, types of aquifers and wells, physical properties of aquifers, hydraulic gradient, specific yield and specific storage, Darcy's law, groundwater flow nets, governing equations for flow in confined and phreatic aquifers, pumping and recovery tests, groundwater recharge, groundwater exploration and well construction.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL400
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL530 - Spec Top:Transport Engr |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics will be decided by the department based on the recent developments in transportation engineering and the needs of students. The choice of the topics will be limited to the academic and financial resources of the department.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL330
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL531 - Topographic Surveying |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying essential topics in topographic surveying. It includes establishment and calculations of circular compound and reverse curves, spirals, and vertical curves. Topics also cover precise leveling, establishment of horizontal control in the form of triangulation networks, and methods for monitoring stability of structures. An introduction to photogrammetry will be included. In addition, the course sheds light on the GPS satellite based measurements and positioning.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL335 or CIVL358
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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CIVL534 - Computer Aided Mapping |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying the up-to-date techniques used in map generation aided by computer usage. Topics include Digital mapping and applications, and Digital terrain modeling. The course discusses different types of coordinate systems and their transformation. It introduces use of satellite positioning techniques in mapping and land information systems. The course also includes map projections methods and their applications.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL335
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL538 - Advanced Highway Engineering |
(3 credit hours) |
The course aims at introducing the methods for pavement evaluation, repair and management of pavement maintenance. It covers aspects of preparation of sub-grades, soil stabilization, construction machinery, performance upgrading of roads, pavement structural evaluation and repair, environmental impact.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL433
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL539 - Traffic Engineering |
(3 credit hours) |
The course aims at studying the basics of traffic engineering and modeling of highway networks. Topics to cover include traffic capacity analysis, levels of service, delay calculations, fundamentals of signal design and timing, analysis and design of pre-timed signalized intersections, and actuated signals and detection. It also introduces traffic network simulation models for traffic modeling, evaluation, and assessment of effectiveness of design alternatives.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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CIVL540 - Spec Top: Construction Mngt |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying topics that are decided by the department based on the recent developments in construction management and the needs of students. The choice of the topics will be limited to the academic and financial resources of the department.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL445
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL541 - Spe Top:Soil Mech & Foun Engr |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics will be decided by the department based on the recent developments in soil mechanics and foundation engineering, and the needs of students. The choice of the topics will be limited to the academic and financial resources of the departments.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL340
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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CIVL547 - Advanced Construction Manag. |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying the advanced techniques used for the scheduling of construction project operations. This includes scheduling of repetitive and linear projects using the line of balance technique. It also includes project financing and progress control, time-cost tradeoff analysis, and optimum markup estimation. This course also includes application of computer project management packages to construction and case studies.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL445
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall |
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CIVL548 - Advanced Geotechnical Eng. |
(3 credit hours) |
Topics include soil structures; primary and secondary clay minerals; diffuse double layer; soil water potential (soil suction); saturated and unsaturated water flow; heat flow in soils; soil stabilization; and slope stability analysis.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL340
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL552 - Advanced Steel Design |
(3 credit hours) |
This course aims at studying the design of built-up beams and plate girders. It also includes details of the design of composite beams. In addition, the course discusses the design and detailing of common building connections, rigid frames, roof trusses and structural steel building systems.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL417
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Spring |
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CIVL585 - Graduation Project I |
(3 credit hours) |
Application of knowledge gained in other courses to an engineering design project, emphasizing creativity and originality. A final report is required.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL495
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL590 - Graduation Project Ii |
(3 credit hours) |
Application of knowledge gained in other courses to an engineering design project, emphasizing creativity and originality. A final report is required.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL585
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL600 - Graduate Seminar |
(0 credit hours) |
Current research topics in Civil Engineering will be presented and discussed. Seminars will be delivered by faculty, staff and industry experts and professionals in the field. This is a pass or fail core course. Plan A students should present a research proposal to pass the course while Plan B students (non-thesis option) should present a summary report of the presented talks.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL605 - Experimental Methods in CE |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to experimental methods, instrumentation, data acquisition, data processing, static and dynamic testing, overview of laboratory work with several hands-on applications in the laboratory, physical models in Structural Engineering, Physical models in Water Resources, Physical models in Geotechnical Engineering, Physical models in Highway Engineering, experimental project.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL610 - Adv. Mech. of Materials |
(3 credit hours) |
Analysis and design of load-carrying members, shear center, unsymmetrical bending, curved beams, beams on elastic foundations, energy methods, theories of failure, thick-walled cylinders, stress concentrations, design to prevent failure by excessive elastic deformation, plastic deformation and fracture, buckling of bars.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL611 - Structural Dynamics |
(3 credit hours) |
Damped and undamped natural vibration, response of single- and multiple-degrees-of-freedom systems to steady-state and transient excitations, modal analysis, nonproportional damping and complex modes, variation formulation of equations of motion, discretization of structural systems for vibrational analysis, applications for earthquake and machinery loadings.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL612 - Prestressed Concrete Structure |
(3 credit hours) |
Basic concepts of prestressing, materials and systems for prestressing, partial losses of prestressing, behavior and design of simple, span and continuous span prestressed concrete members in flexure and shear, application of prestressed concrete to columns, composite sections, and circular storage tanks.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL614 - Adv. Steel Design |
(3 credit hours) |
Review of the design of tension and compression members. Compression plates: stability, analysis, and design. Lateral torsional buckling of Beams. Design for torsion. Plate girders: stability, strength, and stiffener design. Design of different types of connections. Continuous beams and rigid frames: failure mechanisms and elastic/plastic design criteria. Braced and unbraced frames: stability and bracing requirements.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL615 - Bridge Engineering |
(3 credit hours) |
History and development of bridges. Construction materials for Bridges. Bridge components. Bridge design philosophies. Loads on bridges. Slab-on-steel beam bridges (composite and non-composite construction). Plate-girder bridges. Box-girder bridges (straight and curved). General overview of special bridge types (arch and truss bridges, cable-supported bridges). Substructure design (piers and abutments). Bridge evaluation procedures - bridge rating.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL616 - Rehabilitation of Structures |
(3 credit hours) |
Damage mechanisms, instrumentation and non-destructive test methods, conventional repair techniques, innovative repair and strengthening techniques with composites, case studies.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL618 - Construction Equipment & Meth. |
(3 credit hours) |
Major construction equipment and operations. Selection of construction equipment including scrapers, dozers, cranes, etc., based on applications, methods, and production requirements. Power generation, transmission, and output capacity of equipment. Calculation of transport cycle times. Concreting methods including mixing, delivery, and placement. Design of forms for concrete walls and supported slabs.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL619 - Construction Contract Docments |
(3 credit hours) |
General and specific conditions of contract, contracting parties, contract formation, project delivery methods, and types of contracts. Purchase orders, subcontract agreements, and bid proposals. Contract changes, work delay, suspension, and termination. Liquidated damages and time extensions. Project documentation and records, construction specifications and bills of quantities. Construction contract claims and dispute resolution.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL620 - Construction Cost Estimating |
(3 credit hours) |
Conceptual and detailed cost estimating. Cost of different construction operations including handling and transporting materials, excavation, concrete structures, floor finishes, floor systems, masonry, carpentry, interior finishes, roofing and flashing, plumbing, steel structures. Estimation of profit and project budgeting.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL621 - Advanced Foundation Design |
(3 credit hours) |
Design of shallow foundations, bearing capacity and settlement, combined footings and rafts; eccentric and inclined loads, footings in slopes, machine foundations. Deep foundations; caissons and piers, piles, pile groups, tension piles. Tunnels and tunnel linings, flexible culverts. Earth pressures, retaining walls, sheeting and bracing, cofferdams. Case records of foundation performance including failures.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL622 - Stability of Earth Supp. Struc |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction, lateral earth pressure, gravity and cantilever walls, mechanically stabilized retaining walls, sheet pile walls, braced cuts, drilled shafts, caissons.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL623 - Foundation's Dynamics |
(3 credit hours) |
Design of foundations subjected to vibratory and impulsive loadings, evaluation of dynamic soil properties, lumped mass analogies, earthquake effects in slope stability and earthwork structures.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL624 - Theory & Des.of Pav. Struc. |
(3 credit hours) |
Theories of pavement behavior and concepts of pavement design, Pavement design considerations, Calculations of ESAL, Design reliability concept, AASHTO method for flexible pavement design, PCI method for flexible pavement design, AASHTO method for rigid pavement design, Economic Considerations.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL625 - Pavement Manag. Systems |
(3 credit hours) |
Stresses in flexible pavements, Stresses in rigid pavements, Pavement materials? distress survey and rating procedures, Non-destructive testing, Roughness measurements, Skid resistance measurements, Pavement serviceability index calculation, Pavement condition index calculations, Pavement condition prediction models, Network-level management, Project-level management, Computer applications in PMS.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL626 - Adv.Traffic Eng. & Management |
(3 credit hours) |
Introduction to traffic flow theory, Traffic capacity analysis concepts, Highway capacity analysis of multilane uninterrupted flow facilities, Calibrating relationships for freeway analysis, Traffic control devices, Principles of intersection signalization, Signal design and timing, Analysis of signalized intersections, Actuated signals and detection, Signal coordination, Computer traffic control systems, Arterial design and management, Traffic simulation tools.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL627 - Design of Transport. System |
(3 credit hours) |
Characteristics of Urban travel and transportation systems, Transportation planning and decision making, Data management and diagnosis, Analysis and evaluation of transportation systems, Demand analysis, Supply analysis, Transportation systems evaluation, Program and project implementation, Intelligent transportation systems: introduction.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL628 - Map Proj. & Geom. Geodesy |
(3 credit hours) |
Coordinate frames used in geodesy, Photogrammetry, Surveying and mapping, Cartesian, spherical, and ellipsoidal coordinates, Earth-fixed geocentric and topocentric frames, Fundamentals of mapping, Curvilinear coordinate systems, Mapping projections, Projection aspects, Distortion, Conformal mapping, State plane coordinate systems, Applications, Datums: global and local, horizontal and vertical, and three-dimensional, Geodetic reference systems.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL629 - Digital Terrain Mod. & Applic. |
(3 credit hours) |
Global and local modelling strategies for topography, Elements of spatial topology and geomorphology, Breaklines, trends, periodicities and related features, Sampling techniques and accuracy considerations, Triangulation, tessellations and other partitions, Contouring shading and other graphical representations, Network modeling approaches of Werner and Warntz, Graph theoretic approach of Pfaltz, Contour trees and generalizations, Surface patchwork intelligent approach, Fractals and applications, Overview of data structures.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL630 - Special Topics in Civl Eng. |
(3 credit hours) |
Different selected topics in Civil Engineering to complement the student?s program. The executive committee of the program should decide the topics to be offered each semester based on the needs.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL631 - Indep. Studies in Civil Eng. |
(3 credit hours) |
To be determined by the student?s main advisor.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL650 - Research Thesis |
(6 credit hours) |
A directed research study on a topic relevant to the main specialization under the supervision of faculty advisor(s). The research should be conducted during two or more terms. A written report will be submitted upon advisor(s) approval at the end of the study and defended before an examination panel appointed by the executive program committee.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
All |
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CIVL731 - Indep. Studies in Civil Eng. |
(3 credit hours) |
To be determined by the student?s main advisor.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL735 - Adv. Topics in Civil Eng.1 |
(3 credit hours) |
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students with emphasis on new frontiers in Civil Engineering
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL736 - Adv. Topics in Civil Eng.2 |
(3 credit hours) |
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students with emphasis on new frontiers in Civil Engineering
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL740 - Indep. Research in Civil Eng.1 |
(3 credit hours) |
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students, in which they conduct exploratory research with emphasis on new frontiers in Civil Engineering.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL741 - Indep. Research in Civil Eng.2 |
(3 credit hours) |
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students, in which they conduct exploratory research with emphasis on new frontiers in Civil Engineering.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL745 - Civil Engineering Seminar |
(1 credit hours) |
PhD students must sign for the 0 credit hour seminar course every semester.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL780 - Comprehensive Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
Passing the comprehensive exam is required to enter into PhD candidacy. The exam evaluates the research ability of potential PhD candidates.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL785 - Prospectus Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
PhD candidate defend research plans in front of supervisory committee.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL790 - Dissertation Doctoral Research |
(30 credit hours) |
Open to students who have successfully completed the comprehensive exam. PhD student conducts original research under the direction of a supervisory committee. Credits are determined in consultation with the dissertation supervisor.
Prerequisite: |
- CIVL780
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL795 - Dissertation Defense |
(0 credit hours) |
Two part exam, open and close, to defend the results of PhD research work
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL880 - Comprehensive Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
Passing the comprehensive exam is required to enter into PhD candidacy. The exam evaluates the research ability of potential PhD candidates.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL885 - Prospectus Exam |
(0 credit hours) |
PhD candidate defend research plans in front of supervisory committee.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL990 - Dissertation Doctoral Research |
(30 credit hours) |
Open to students who have successfully completed the comprehensive exam. PhD student conducts original research under the direction of a supervisory committee. Credits are determined in consultation with the dissertation supervisor.
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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CIVL995 - Dissertation Defense |
(0 credit hours) |
Two part exam, open and close, to defend the results of PhD research work
Prerequisite: |
Corequisite: |
Semester: |
Fall Spring |
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